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Its been seven years since I gave birth to the twins. Six years since Ez and I got married and we also, I must add "ahem" have had a baby every year since.
What can I say my Husband is amazing *wink- wink* So we are currently at seven but that will change soon enough, because I just found out I'm pregnant once again, this time with triplets.
Maybe I should put a TV in our bedroom. Pondering this I head to his home office to tell him the news. I knock when I get there, "come in babe", I open the door to see him at his desk, he still takes my breath away. Smirking because he can tell what I'm thinking, he curls his finger calling me to him. "You know you dont have to knock," he says pulling me into his lap.
"Yeah I know," I say. He laughs then says, "you know, Alex and Jo are babies sitting the kids for the next two hours and Roman, Mira, and Constantine are still at school. Do you want to take a "nap with me?" He asks.
For those of you thinking, "who the hell is Jo?" The answer is Alex's mate turns out she is Ryan's twin sister.
I can't help the giggle that escapes me and I have to clear my throat to get serious, "babe before we do that I have to say something important. I'm pregnant." Before I can continue he is kissing me. When we come up for air I take my chance, "babe I wasn't finished, I have his undivided attention, we're having triplets," I whisper unsure if this will freak him out.
I shouldn't be surprised really when he mind links the whole pack sharing the good news. The roar of congratulations is a little loud but I'm smiling all the same.
When that was done Ez picked me up bridal style and ran up the stairs as fast as he could for our "nap" with me laughing the whole way.

Ez's POV

I can't tell you how much I LOVE seeing my mate round with my pups. Not only is it a huge turn on but it's just, I dont know how to describe how happy it makes me, I love them all so much.
Dev- our mate should always be round with our pups
He has a point but we got to remember that also could leave her vulnerable. Just the thought of anything happening to her or our pups is enough to drive us insane.
Dev- we will keep them safe and teach our young to fight when the time comes.
I know buddy, I know.
Just then Nickie links me, "Babe get your ass up here! I'm tired and I can't sleep without you! Move it!
Laughing I get up, turn off the lights and make my way up stairs. Before getting turned into a living pillow, not that I mind, I check on our children. We have four boys and three girls. I wonder what our next three babies will be? As long as they are healthy it doesn't matter to me I will love them regardless.
-For those of you who are wondering here are their names and order of birth: Roman and Mira
I enter our room my mate sits in one of my shirts, I wonder how long it will take to get her to let me take it off? I'm going to find out.

3 months later

"I feel like a beached whale," I complain. Adri and Cynthia laugh, "you know if you did something besides jumping each others bones all the time you wouldn't feel like that, not that I dont love all the kids," Cynthia says smiling.
Cynthia and Bryon have five kids, and Adri and Angel have two sets of triplets.
"I'm not sorry my husband is amazing and can't keep his hands off me," I shrug. The girls just laugh. "Speak of the Alpha and he shall come," Adri whispers.
"Hey ladies," he greets us the guys following him.
He sits with me and starts rubbing my shoulders, I almost forget I have news to share.
Before I can forget again I sit up, "hey guys I got news!" I'm excited. "We are having two girls and a boy!" We celebrate with juice for us ladies and beer for the gents.
Laying in bed that night Ez lays his hand on my belly talking to the kids. We tucked in their older siblings an hour and a half ago.
"What do you think of Elios for our son's name and Lyra and Vee for our daughters?" I ask him. He rolls them around in his head I can see it. Then he smiles, calling the kids names and they kick in turn. Laughing I say, "that's either really good or really bad."
"No I think they like their names." He says staring down at my huge belly. Suddenly he looks at up at me, "what is it Babe?" I ask him. He smiles and climbs up the bed till he can kiss me deeply. "I LOVE YOU" he says to me. "That's all, I just thank the Goddess for helping me find you, my soulmate, and you have given me a huge family! I just feel so blessed," he says laying down next to me. I snuggle into his warmth, "I feel the same," I say as I fall asleep.
That LADIES and GENTLEMEN is how I met my soulmate.

Thank you for reading!

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