training or torcher

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I think I was having a nice dream or at least I WAS sleeping well.  The next thing I know I hear, "NICKIE!!!"
So naturally it scared the shit out of me. I jumped a foot in the air, that sent my ass off the bed and on to the floor.
"WHAT THE FUCK!" I yelled, my head popping up on my side of the bed.  It didn't help that I ended up tangled in my blankets.  I finally saw the one responsible for my heart attack and sudden plunge for the floor.
Cynthia was trying very hard not to laugh.  Adri just smiles and says "Good Morning Sunshine."  "I'm going to kill you," I say.  "No you're not," she says still smiling.  "Why not?" I ask.  "BECAUSE, I made you coffee." She says.  "you're lucky I love you," I grumble.
"Yeah-yeah get ready to train, your mates words not mine," she says after seeing the look on my face.
"Speaking of which where is he and why didn't he wake me instead of you?" I ask peeved.
Cynthia decides to answer that question now that she is no longer laughing at me.  "The guys are making breakfast, he was helping but he had a phone call to take.  So he's in his home office, since he didn't want to go all the way to the pack house just yet."
"Oh, ok well now that I'm up."  I glare at my cousin who just smiles at me.  Let me get dressed I'll be down in a few minutes," I say.
After they leave I get up and search for something to wear.  I end up in stretchy black pants, one of Ez's grey shirts, and some black Vans paired with grey socks.  I pull my medium length dark brown hair up into a messy bun.  Then make my way to the kitchen.
Ez still isn't back yet so I go grab my much needed coffee.
"Good morning Luna," Angel greets me. "Morning, I don't know how good it is though," I grumble.  Angel's  eyebrows raise slightly in question.  "Ask your mate," I say.  Behind him Bryon starts laughing, "she got you?" He asks when he stops.  Adri laughs and says, "dude she jumped a foot in the air and flew off the bed.  I would have compared her to a cat, but she totally landed on her ass!"
Ez chooses that moment to enter the kitchen.  "Who landed on their ass?" He asks them.  Angel tried to give him a NO look but too late.  They relayed my morning wake up call to him.  He was go to laugh I could tell but one look from me stopped him.
"Dude if looks could kill you have just died!" Bryon says.
Rolling my eyes I ignore everything but my coffee, once I finished it I went to get more.  Just as I sat down breakfast was ready, Ez put a plate of pancakes, bacon, eggs, and hashbrowns in front of me.  I turned to him and before I could even say anything he kissed me.  I could feel all my irritation fade away, he pulled back giving me a smirk and said, "good morning baby, eat up we got training today."
Ugh, why did he remind me? Oh well you know what I got this it's going to be great.
Five hours later
Turns out it was not great, I'm so done.  We ran 3 miles, did 200 push ups, 200 squats, and I dont even remember what else I think I started running on autopilot.  I may have thrown up twice.  Right now I was on my back in the shade with my eyes closed trying to cool down.
CLEARLY I'm out of shape or just not used to this or some combo of both.
I hear someone sit next to me and by the electric charge I feel I know its Ez.
"You ok baby?" He asks with clear concern.  "I'm done for the day," I say.  "Babe that's just a warm up," he tells me.  "What the fuck Ez, remember I'm human not a werewolf and I'm not used to this! Also, I sigh, ok sorry for that I know your only trying to help me.  But seriously I'm not ready for all that, not yet can we start with a little less?" I ask.
"Babe people, human people do that all the time, and we dont have the luxury of taking it slow.  Did you forget that dark witch is still after you?" His eyes darken at the thought.  I would pinch the bridge of my nose if I could feel my arms.  "Be that as it may, babe I can't even move," I say looking at him.
Looks like this is going to be harder than we thought.

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