here goes nothing

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Just as I was starting to totally freak out, she starts talking to the wolves like they understand.
"This girl is mine, Get your own," she said while looking at the wolf in the middle.
Is it just me or are some of the wolves fucking HUGE. The one in the middle is the biggest wolf I've ever seen. It has a beautiful midnight black coat and when it glances at me I see it's eyes are the coolest shade of green. Wait do wolves have green eyes?
I'm starting to feel like I've entered the twilight zone and I didn't even watch it. If I did I'm pretty sure this is how it would feel.
Before this gets any weirder I make my move. I just hope whoever has been giving me the little bit of help is paying attention up there and does it again.
I turn and run for the cliff, before I can talk myself out of it I jump. With the air rushing past my ears I cant be sure but I think I heard the wolves start to howl. I could swear I felt that black wolf cry out as I jumped.
I point my feet just before I hit the water. Oh thankyou whoever's been listening to me because I'm still alive.
Now that I'm down here I start swimming, thank God I can breath under water.
I don't know how long I've been swimming but I'm tired. So I decided to swim to shore and take a breather. I walk over to some trees and climb up to some low but not too low hanging branches. I get as comfy as possible and I'm out.
I have no idea how long I've been asleep for but I'm woken up by the sound of sniffing and many feet moving.
My eyes pop open and what do I find? Holy shit! it's the same wolf I swear it is I mean, how many have eyes like that?
If that didn't surprise me what happened next sure as hell did. Looking back I guess I shouldn't have been that surprising but anyway back to what I was saying. Just as I pulled up my feet, not that it really mattered he could still reach me, the wolf in front of me shifted into the hottest guy I've ever seen. Even having said that didn't stop me from saying, "ok I think my mind just broke."
Next thing I know I'm waking up in a hospital bed. It must be night time because the lights are dim. I start looking around at my surroundings I can see I'm hooked up to an iv on my right side. As I turn my head I'm made aware of something startling, the wolf turned hottest man on earth, is sitting in a chair next to me with his head resting on my bed holding my hand.
He's sleeping, I have urge to run my finger through his hair, it looks so soft. It could just be the lighting. I wish I could say I wasn't sad to see he had clothes on but hey I'm a hot blooded female whose been kept in a cage like an animal. Holy crap maybe I've started to go feral? Nah I'm sure it's just the fact that hey holy hot guy is next to me and I've already seen what he was packing. You know before my mind broke and I ended up here.

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