when life meets myths

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Ok I think it's been three or four months since this witch abducted me on the way home. I'm serious she is a honest to God witch a dark one. I swear I saw a cauldron around here somewhere and by the looks of those thick leather bound books I would have to say that those are grimoires. I thought that they would only have one but guess not.
Sadly I've been used as a lab rat this whole time. So evil scientist witch has been testing stuff on me. She has even strapped me to a table and cut me open while I could feel it but she did something that made it so I couldn't move and kept my heart rate steady. Trust me there is a reason you are put under when they operate on you. For a while I thought I was going to go insane, I don't know how I'm not yet.
Who knows maybe I am, I wake up drenched in sweat, hyperventilating, and doing my damndest not to scream. The last thing I want is for psycho to wake up.
God I NEED to get out of here! I just have to figure out how, I don't know how much more I can take. How long till I crack and just give up on my sanity?
That night I prayed for a way out, something, anything I didn't want to be here anymore!
The next day I noticed something different my eyesight was WAY better than it had been. Huh, I wonder if she did that on purpose or by accident? The day after I learned I could breathe underwater, I know she didn't mean to give me that cuz she was trying to drown me that bitch!
Two weeks later the chance I prayed for finally came she left some paperclips close to the table she had me strapped to. I was not letting my chance pass me by so I carefully grabbed them when she left the room and hid them in my little pocket of the torn up pants I still had. You have NO idea how hard it was to not try to free myself from this place at that moment but I knew that if I was to have a real chance at freedom I had to wait. I just hope I get the chance I need and don't die before I can take it.

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