training take two

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It was 7:40 am when Ez started to get up his warmth pulling away woke me.  "Babe come back to bed," I say in my just woke up voice.
"Nope its already getting late if I'm gonna have you ready to protect yourself from the dark witch we should get started," he says and by the look he gives me he's all business.
Ez's point of view
What the hell! How am I supposed to protect my mate if that bitch can get to her when she sleeps? What is she Fucking Freddy Kruger? FUCK!
Dev- freaking out isn't gonna help let's focus on training.  We have to make her ready to stand on her own if she has to, WE DONT HAVE TO LIKE IT! But if the goddess herself told Nickie to be ready for what she would have to face, then that's what she will be!
EZ- How did our rolls reverse here? I'm the one usually telling you to chill.  I know you're right -sigh- it's just we can't lose her.  It would kill us.
Dev- I know that.  Maybe we should kill the bitch first.
Ez- Do you really want to leave Nickie alone long enough to get the job done?
Dev- FUCK NO!!! Let's get to training!

10 minutes later

"For the love of Pete would you listen for a minute!  Ez- baby I love you but if you don't shut up and listen to me, I'm never having sex with you again!" I yelled at him.  That got his attention and shut him up.  "Look I don't need a 3 hour warm up stretching and running in place for a few minutes will do.  The Moon Goddess said to focus on my self defense.  After we do that we can go for a 5 mile run if you want.  Burning myself out before I can get to that won't help me," I say in a more reasonable tone.
Ez puts his hands on his neck leaning his head back facing the sky with his eyes shut I can tell he's extremely stressed out.  I move and stand in front of him placing my hand on his chest over his heart I say, "Ez I know you're feeling a lot of pressure and how worried you are.  I'm worried too, but we're in this together.  Together we can do anything, I'm not going down without a fight, that's why I need you to teach me to do it properly." I smile up at him hoping I can get him to smile and loosen up a bit.  I'm not disappointing when he lowers his face to mine with a smirk, "I love you too so much.  I thank the Goddess for sending me you.  Even when this is a serious issue, you try to brighten my mood.  Here I woke up feeling frustrated and stressed out.  Now I'm feeling better and more optimistic than before," he gives me a loving look of wonder.  "Alright let's get started!"

7 hours later

Holy crap! I'm so tired, I don't know if I'll be able to hold my fork or even eat my food.  I wanna shower, but that means I have to climb up to the stairs.  Ugh, can I just sleep on the floor it looks so inviting.  My thoughts are interrupted by my mate.
"Come here babe I got you," he lifts me up, I didn't notice I had sat on the floor.  "Night guys I'm taking her up I'll be back to get us food!" He tells to the others as we pass.  A chorus of various good nights float out of the kitchen.  Before we get to far Adri calls out, "don't worry I'll send Angel with food for you."  "Thanks, Ez calls back.
"So do you want a bath or a shower?" He asks me.
Have I told you how much I LOVE this man?  "I only want a shower if you come with me," I smirk at him.
His whole face lights up," I can arrange that let me just get our food from Angel first.  Those moans that you will be making are MINE!" His voice goes all growly at the end.  What this man does to me, in already so turned on it's almost embarrassing.  Luckily for me Ez makes me feel beautiful even when I'm in dire need of a shower.  When we get to our en suite he places me on my feet.  "Dont move I'll just be a sec," he turns to leave, I can tell he's excited hopefully Angel doesn't mind the woody he's packin'.

how I met my soul mateOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora