The Bitch, the cage, and the Luna

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I woke to find I was once again here in the cage.  I tried to mind link Ez.  Nothing, shit SHE must be blocking me from him.  Looking around I see not much has changed.  Except me, I will get out and kill the bitch this time, NO ONE FUCKS WITH MY FAMILY! NO ONE!
I strain my ears to hear if anyone is near me, I hear nothing but that doesn't mean that nobody's here.  I'm not waiting this time I'm getting out now.  Ez is probably freaking the fuck out.  I just want to know what the hell the rogues are doing helping her, does have something on them or is it a case  of evil helping evil.  I heard not all rogues are evil but these guys are.  I hope everyone is alright.
Pulling out my lock picks (psst remember when I said I would get better at it? You bet your ass I did!) I get to work, two minutes later I got the door open.  I climb out, that would be awesome if I could lock her in it.  Who knows maybe I'll get the chance to try it.
I scan for something I can use as a weapon just in case.  The only thing remotely useful is a small pot, well guess it's better than nothing.  Grabbing it I move to the door, placing my ear against it I listen.  When I don't hear anything I open the door slowly.  I'm so glad it doesn't have the horror movie door syndrome.  You know where it has that God awful squeak sound.  I step into a dim hallway, I remember the way to the stairs so start making my way there.
I'm half way there when I hear voices coming my way, shit! Back peddling I make my way to a small doorway.  I  open the door and get inside turning I see I'm in a room full of books, there is a desk with a book on top that has a book mark and the cover says something along the lines of enhancements and ways to disable.  What are the chances that the shit she tried on me are in this book.  I grab it and tuck in my shirt into my pants then put the book in my shirt.  The librarian and avid book lover in me want to look at all the books, but I really dont have the time for that.  I'm about to try the door when a title on a spine catches my eye Antidotes and basic healing spells.  I grab it and stuff it down my shirt also, cuz hey you never know it just might come in handy.
I listen at the door I hear the voices have headed down the way I come from, so I don't have time to hangout here.  I start running, just as I get to the door I hear them start yelling.  I open the door and head out, SO LONG LOSERS!
Or not? There are rogues out here, I don't care! I'm not stopping.
I call out over my mind link, "EZ! Ez!Ezekiel!!!!!!!!"
Ez- "Nickie!!!! Where are you baby? Are you hurt?"
"The rogues took me to the bitch but I got out now they are chasing me!" I'm running as fast as I can but they are gaining on me, I should be fast enough to out pace them, oh God dont tell me she enhanced them too.
Ez- "Nickie! Focus where are you? I need you to tell me baby they somehow masked your scent!" He sounds like he is desperately trying not to lose his cool.
I start looking around for some kind of land mark to use, but I dont see anything that says "I'M OVER HERE".  I focus on what I'm seeing and hearing around me really hard.
Ez- I know where you are! Keeping running, don't look back! We're almost there!
I do as I'm told, my lungs are starting to hurt a little but I keep pushing.  Out of nowhere the Dark Witch aka the Bitch is in front of me with a sinister smile on her face.  I try going a different direction but there she is again.  So I stop running and get into a fighting stance.
She has a cackling laugh, "do you really think you are any match for me? This will be fun, don't worry I won't kill you I have other plans for you."
Maybe I can stall for time, "So basically you're too much of a  chicken shit to test shit on yourself? Why did you pick me anyway? If you see yourself as being superior to werewolves, why do you have them working for you or are you working for them?" I start rapidly asking questions.
She has a funny look on her face, "I control those dogs NOT the other way around! How DARE you say they control me! As to why you, you have a  unique aura, you won't die right away like the last five subjects their aura's weren't as bright as yours.  The fact that you not only survived but also adapted to the changes is a good sign."
She starts coming closer, "let's see how long you can go till you break," she says licking her disgusting lips.
Before she can reach me the most beautiful sound I've heard echoes around us, wolf howls.

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