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After exiting the house, Vaskàr rounded up with the three warrior veterans. It wasn't very much like the old days, not to say there wasn't much. Octavo wasn't there, and without the elite warrior, future battles are going to look grey for the few remaining Mystical Warriors. Vaskàr knew the old warrior for a few weeks before his fate came in the hands of his former master Hanno. These meetings have been the same for the past year. Vaskàr stood beside Wavador before even looking at Simura.

"So what is with my father and uncle?" asked Vaskàr.

"We were discussing Simura would tell you about them," said Wavador. "He practically raised them for most of their lives. That is what he is meant for."

"But we are not gathered for a family discussion right now," said Simura. "We have rival warriors to deal with first."

"The Luninar Warriors," stated Vaskàr. Taking out the Sword of Fire and the katana, he breathed to take them out single handedly. "What are they doing now? Let's go to them and drive from this planet."

"That is if you can find them, Vaskàr," said Simura.

Vaskàr's excitement turned blank. His swords drifted down. "What?"

"If you can find them," said Wavador. "They have years of experience as we do. You wouldn't last one minute with them. You may have won of sheer luck from Hanno, but the Luninar Warriors you have encountered were obviously watching you."

"Excuse me, if you haven't noticed I wield the Gift of Strategy, the Sword of Fire, and the katana of my mother. I'm both skilled and smart enough to handle them."

"But since the death of Hanno, they absorb half of his powers and became more powerful themselves. And being thousands of years old, they will have more experience than you. For millennia, they have been observing the way the Kasais think and the Dryk'gars fight. You would easily be outmatched single handily. You're still going need some training if you want to fight your newly profound enemies."

"Enough with the training already," complained Vaskàr. "I've already finished the basics and the advanced when I finished off Hanno."

"That was bitter luck," argued Simura.

"From my father's family, there is no such thing as luck. It was more fire power and the will to use it. And my skills on my mother's side of the family would beat the four. I think you three could beat them easily as I can."

"It's not that simple," said Wavador. "They're—"

"Now minions of the Trapped Lord Årvondor," intupered a snaky voice.

Four armored people with black wings and heavy weapons soared from the sky. Three middle-age men and an elderly woman looked the Mystical Warriors. The Mystical Warriors were now met with their evil counterparts: the Luninar Warriors. The men, Monterro, Altero, and Brutalro, stood as a group and the woman, Nilda, stood inches away from the men group.

"Well, well, well. Lookie what we got here, Destroyers," said Monterro, circling in one direction as the two men circled the opposite way. "Vaskàr with the three old Mystical Warriors. And where's Octavo? Oh, that's right. He's dead."

Vaskàr raised his swords. Wavador, Simura, and Mulikulla huddled in a circle and drew their weapons of their Marks. Vaskàr turned his gaze toward Monterro.

"Oh, did I insult the dead?" asked Monterro, in a sadistic voice. "Good. Octavo was a great threat to us than these three old fools. He slain more of us than those three combined. Now, with Octavo out of the picture, our power comes from the Dark One now. The Dark One is giving us more powers than Hanno. Now we can settle this in a quick fight. Luninar Warriors: attack and send these four fools to the afterlife. And once you finish them, I want the Sword of Fire as a souvenir or to use its Divine Fire for our use, if it still works after the Kasai line goes extinct. Slay them."

"No, you won't!" shouted Magus.

The eight warriors turned their gazes to Magus Dryk'gar, who was wielding the ancestral sword of the Dryk'gar family. He came charging out with his two eldest twin-daughters at high cheetah speed. Magus jumped and ninja kicked Monterro as Marlene and Lanaya went after Altero and Nilda. The three Dryk'gars swung their superfast katanas with lightning speed.

The Luninar Warriors were barely prepared from the unexpecting attack. Monterro, Altero, and Nilda were being overwhelmed hasting attacks of the Dryk'gars abilities to attack with great speed and accuracy. Brutalro stood still and looked at the fighting, only looking clueless of what to do: fight the Dryk'gars or the Mystical Warriors. Being a warrior with big muscle and no brain didn't make him think at all.

"Fall back," shouted Monterro, flipping to the ground and kicked the legs of Magus.

Magus did backflip before he could have been knocked down.

Monterro's black wings swooped from the ground and carried him to the sky. Nilda and Altero rose to the sky when they were free from the twin girls. Brutalro rose slowly rose to the sky, as a big dimwitted flying giant.

"You were fortunate this time around, Kasai," Monterro said. "But remember this, Matthew; the Luninar Warriors will take down the Mystical Warriors and the Dryk'gars one day."

The four Luninar Warriors spun and took off like a military jet flying from a military base.

Magus, Marlene, and Lanaya were breathing lightly, drawing their weapons down as they saw the evil warriors fly off in the sky above. For these people who can fight faster than the eye can blink, they know how to pack a fight.

Vaskàr looked in amazement of his uncle and cousins and their unique fighting style. He was comfortable to have a family fighting fast and great accuracy. They had great discipline with the abilities of ability and speed, and he was glad he was a part of the family. If he wasn't, he would be just a thinker instead of both a thinker and a fighter. The Kasais were more into planning battles instead of fighting with skills, while the Dryk'gars were more into skilled fighting instead of planning battles.

For Vaskàr, who also was named Matthew, he was both a skilled fighter and a thinker. He is a member of both ancient families that have been allies for millennia.

"How did you know we were going to be fighting our counterparts, Uncle?" asked Vaskàr.

"I am the Head of the Dryk'gar family now," answered Magus. "I have the ability to see into the minds of my family, even if they don't know about it. You are part of this family, Matthew, and I won't tolerate any dark forces messing with my family."

"Now you're sounding like a dad," said Vaskàr, withdrawing both swords into a scabbard and his arm. "I'm not your son."

"I've wanted four sons," said Magus. "But the spirits of the dead decided I should have four daughters."

"You're calling the spirits of the dead gods?"

"My family was calling the 'spirits of the dead' gods for generations. The planet provides water, food, life, energy, stability, landscapes with a spiritual sense, and many gaps of air. Want me to go on or is that enough?"

"That is enough," interrupting Simura. "Magus, leave us."

"Very well," said Magus, sheathing his katana as did his twin daughters. The trio walked back into the house.

Now the four Mystical Warriors were now alone. Vaskàr was eager for a fight, but he was interrupted by his uncle and his cousins. Vaskàr had always felt the ache of battle every time the Luninar Warriors showed up at his front door. "Why can't I ever have a chance of fighting them?" he asked himself. "It's not like they show up from the ground."

Vaskàr flapped his red wings and decided to head back tothe Temple.

Horrors of Fire and Skulls (Mystical Warriors book 2)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz