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Vaskàr felt Regina making it into the world of the creatures, to hide from the threats of the Luninar Warriors and Ra'siar. She nearly lost her life twice. Now, by having her as a fake Mystical Warrior, she would be less in danger and more protected by his army of mythical creatures. Ever since that big battle Vaskàr led, the creatures still had to remain in hiding, in the same place. The same hiding place they've been hidden for thousands of years.

But interestingly, they haven't been invaded by anyone; Alfro and Fafnir knew the hiding location of Vaskàr's mystical army and could have told. Unfortunately for them, Divra recently laid the entrance to waste of falling boulders and built a new entrance in a large mountain range that stretched hundreds of miles wide.

No longer would the creatures into the underground world would be bothered by the human world. Fafnir and Alfro could not sneak in, with an army of Årvondor's forces and obliterate Vaskàr's personal army.

Speaking for Divra, Vaskàr knew the Silver Dragon came back from dropping off Regina at the underground world. Both met at the north side of the Temple. "That is a big risk you are taking," he stated.

"When it comes to war, risks have to be taken," said Vaskàr. "I can only hope Ra'siar was not listening. And we need to think strategically than just fighting against him. We still need time to prep. If we do fail in finding the four remaining Crystal Skulls, we must be ready to fight and be on the lookout for the cultists. And for out rivals: Fafnir and Alfro."

"Those guys," grunted Divra. "I can't believe they have formed a new Tyrant Three, and chosen Ra'siar as the third member. It is just like a phoenix: burns from the flames but up from the ashes, a new bird is resurrected. First Hanno and Alfro's father and uncle, now Alfro, Fafnir, and Ra'siar. Can't these things just stay dead?"

"Maybe such powerful abilities shouldn't have been given to the human race. Maybe the dragons, the unicorns, the centaurs, and all the mythical creatures, along with the Mystical Warriors, should been kept on another planet in another galaxy. This planet shouldn't be a playground for physical souls and corrupt elemental users. Why must this be the will of the deities?"

"Well, the deities do work in mysterious ways," stated Divra.

"But, in reality, whose side are they on? I mean, it is said Rin and Årvondor were the sons of one of the Big Seven. As well as your predecessor, Fafnir, the Kraicù family, Nilda, the Dryk'gar family, and one that vanished before able to take his or her first steps.

"And the seven gifts from the deities: the Gift of Strategy (the Kasai family), the Gift of Skill (the Dryk'gar family), the Gift of Strength (the Kraicù family now being processed by Brade), the Gift of Endless Power (the Silver Dragons), the Gift of Life (Nilda before Haira getting the power), the Gift of Temptation (Årvondor being given from the unknown person), and an unknown gift that happened to be with the unknown person who had disappeared after appearing like days on Earth. And that person is believe to be—"

Suddenly, Vaskàr heard a girl scream from the back of his ear. The scream was distorted and hard to listen to. He turned his eyes to the Temple. No battle was being brawled. Vaskàr strolled around the Temple's walls and saw Haira walking out in the valley. There was another scream again crying in his mind and this time much clearer. It was the sounds of a girl no older than six.

Divra followed the confused warrior around the Temple. "Vaskàr, what is it? What do you hear? Ra'siar is already back?"

"I'm hearing a scream in my head," said Vaskàr. "Can you hear it?"

"Hear? A scream? I'm hearing to a ton of screams all across the planet. I can't hear a specific scream you're hearing."

Vaskàr couldn't tell if Divra was toying with his leader or he was telling the truth of Vaskàr's concentration of a single scream.

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