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Vaskàr woke in an instant, if he already knew the sun's peak was creeping on top of the distant mountains. He jumped up like a little hamster on coffee. He grabbed the katana he laid down and strolled outside, at the start of a new dawn of a new day. His blood was overflowing with great energetic cosmic energy, if he could carry ten full galaxies without breaking a sweat on his skin.

The sun was shimmering with a great warmness he felt in his hands. The clouds gave a cool, summer breeze propelling around the Temple; the wind prowled on Vaskàr's skin as he latterly felt for the first time what the wind was like blowing past him and not through him. He felt great warmth from the cool wind, arching him to want to feel more of Mother Nature. For the first time living in his human body, Vaskàr felt what is like feeling the earthly nature circulating around him.

Today marks a new beginning of a new day, gleefully thought Vaskàr.

Then he jumped over the edge and aimed at landing on the ground. Not before Divra could catch his mortal from in his forepaw and breaking any bones in his body.

"Hey, I was trying to do a trick here," said Vaskàr.

"I hate to argue, but you're human now," argued Divra, "And you're Dryk'gar abilities aren't going to be save your bones to falling from great cliffs."

"My mother's skills don't have that exact skill?" questioned Vaskàr.

"I'm afraid not."

"Then I'm still living in the ego of Vaskàr Kasai, and not Matthew Dryk'gar. However, I like the name 'Vaskàr', and I might as well be called Vaskàr Dryk'gar."

"It is still said the Gift of Strategy still runs through you," stated Divra.

"I am still voted as leader?"

"You're still voted as leader," said Wavador.

The Mystical Trainer came out from the Temple's corner, as did the two veterans, Simura and Mulikulla. Brade, Harth, Titus, Haira, and Roy came prowling around the Temple's far corner with their weapons drawn; it looked like a coup was about to happen, a hostile takeover. The group of Mystical Warriors was ready to go into a great length battle like they did with Hanno.

"Is there something I should know about?" asked Vaskàr.

"Yes, we come to a very extreme decision of our next move against this new war with Ra'siar," said Wavador.


"Unless this situation wasn't very deadly dire, we are coming to a breaking point of having a temporary alliance with Årvondor," said Wavador.

Vaskàr raised his eyebrows in a questionable manner. He mentioned that idea to Divra last night on their way back to the Temple. Since they are in a war with a human cult and a spirit in the planet's core, certain alliances, risky ones, had to be made with an enemy to slay another enemy, but an enemy of an enemy would be a friend, temporarily. It would be very risky and costly, but temporarily. Now Vaskàr heard this from Wavador, who may have heard it from Divra.

"You told them what happened last night didn't you?" Vaskàr asked Divra.

"Yes, I did. However, they came up with the same plan at the same time you had mentioned it."

"Then I guess minds can send emails as computers can at the speed of light. How ridiculous speed could go very fast. I wonder how the evolution of the human race is even coming from, even when they once lived in caves."

"Ask that to the true deities," said Simura.

"I will when I go see them," said Vaskàr. "But it is agreeable we summon him, since I don't have my cyborg with me and the Kasai family is the only family who could release him from his prison?"

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