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Vaskàr landed in Nuallán's backyard. He caught the attention of Haira, Brade, Harth, and Roy. His friends were circled around his uncle, Magus, who centered himself in the circle. Regina was with her father, as his personal assistant.

The young warrior looked all over the backyard, how it stayed the same for the past a year. It was where he did his sword training with Nuallán before his near-death experience. From his toddler years to his preteens to his teenage years, this place is where he trained and trained all day every day with Nuallán, long and hard. Each day was restless. Vaskàr, who went by the name of Matthew Dryk'gar at the time and still dons the name, was always tired and sleepy. When training gets done, it happens again, if five minutes went by in three seconds.

Now it was the use of a training ground for his friends and a place for memories. Vaskàr still used this house as a secret base to hide from the world. It would be a matter of time before he was found here, despite living in a middleclass neighborhood.

"So you decided to join on this little training exercise?" asked Roy.

"You guys are going to need my experience from when I was in training," said Vaskàr. "I have spent twelve years here. You do not, and we've known each other for a year now. And you could use all the experience and guidance you need, Roy, Master of Ice."

"Thanks for the title compliment," said Roy, smiling.

"It wasn't a compliment, Roy; it was advice to the only living human who doesn't have your ghost in physical form like a superhero from a comic book."

"Hey, hero, I'm no superhero from a comic, I'm am the Master of Ice, a user of cold."

"I'm or I am, Roy," corrected Vaskàr.

"You watch your mouth, Master of Fire. I'm am training here."

"Now you're just wasting away the day instead of wasting training time, Slushies' Boy."

"SLUSHIES' BOY?" snapped Roy. "How about you melt me into one, Burning Boy!"

Vaskàr walked closer to Roy. "And let this be a lesson for all of us today. Try to strike me with a fast punch. Go on and do it! I know you want yourself to."

"It'll be my greatest pleasure," said Roy, smiling bigger. Roy quickly punched with his right hand, but Vaskàr moved his head, grabbed Roy's punching arm and twisted it. Vaskàr flipped in a full complete circle with his legs. Vaskàr's legs grabbed Roy by the throat and trampled Roy on his back on the ground in no less than three seconds.

Haira, Harth, and Brade burst out in laughter that the Master of Ice got melted into the ground by the Master of Fire. It seemed Fire can melt Ice in three quick seconds.

Vaskàr got off the Master of Slushies and stood back up. He owned Roy who seemed to be unintelligent to fight or let alone talk with wrong grammar. He started to wonder if Roy ever completed preschool or first grade grammar.

"Once again, Fire melted Ice in a few seconds," said Magus. "As for you kids, this warrior here has more than a decade of experience learning the Skills of a Dryk'gar. It would more than two decades to master the basic skills and takes years longer to master the most advanced skills. Vaskàr only learned ninety percent of the basic skills because he is also a Kasai, a master strategist. With two ancient bloodlines connected into one, he can take all of you on.

"You kids may have started a year ago and learned only a few basic skills, but we Dryk'gars have thousands of skills up our sleeves. You have lots of years to go before you kids become pros like my nephew, and even with your few skills, none of you do have enough to take on a full experience Luninar Warrior.

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