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Vaskàr headed back to the Temple. Once got there, he could see more people had arrived at the beloved and sacred Temple. He landed on the second railing ad entered through one of many doorways on the second floor. Vaskàr walked down a spiral stairway and into the main columns of ancient scrolls. Vaskàr remembered when he first entered the Temple in the cave of mythical creatures dwelled.

He would never forget stepping into this lost world and never forgetting the magnificence and the beauty of the Temple's paintings and history of the Temple. What he will never forget was the grandest part of the entire Temple: the tombs of his ancestors.

Vaskàr strolled over to the tombs of his ancestors and remembered the first time he ever gazed his eyes upon them, particularly the newly formed tomb of Rin's top warrior: Octavo.

The new tomb was put there by the Temple. After Octavo's pyre went out during his funeral, the Temple's walls had morphed on Octavo's funeral fire and brought him through the walls, to be laid to rest right next to his friend: Rin Kasai.

Other than the tomb of Octavo, there was one more tomb that wasn't a member of the Kasai family but from the Dryk'gar family: Lora Dryk'gar. The tomb of Vaskàr's mother was placed on the left side of the last known person of the Kasai family: Argainor Kasai. Argainor was the father of Vaskaldo and Ra'siar.

On a personal note for the young warrior, he was being bothered there were no tombs of his father and uncle he never knew at all. He was told they were bad together and had bad reputations around the planet, taking nicknames and kept disguising to hide their faces in order to get something for their own gain. Vaskàr couldn't judge the reputation of his father and his uncle until he knew the entire backstories of his father and uncle.

Suddenly, the front entrance swung wide open and closed immediately. Footsteps were echoing around the Temple's inner walls. Bangs of metal banged on the Temple's floors.

Vaskàr's hearing of the sounds didn't seem to be getting his attention, for he had heard those noises before.

"Who are my father and third uncle?" asked Vaskàr.

"Your father was a man of a variety of personas and your uncle was a corrupted man, and they both brought down your family's reputation miserably," said Simura's voice. Simura came walking up to Vaskàr. "Your grandfather, Argainor, had a great reputation throughout the planet. He united a world that many people thought couldn't happen; he threw down great tyrants and replaced their governments with more fair laws and more equality for everyone. He displaced these nuclear-powered weapons that have been decommissioned, and he challenged some world people he knew to be conquerors to extreme measures. He was one of greatest, if not the greatest world leader of the past century. And he had a great reputation for forty years."

"How does this concern his sons?" asked Vaskàr, dimly.

"They are what brought down his reputation and his legacy through their arrogance and greed for power. There were some strong, influential people and some nonsensical thoughts they had believed in. These ideas had influence that had brainwashed their teenage minds and made them do unspeakable, pagan things. There were somethings that went against the Laws of Nature and against the Mystical Warriors. They both worked together throughout their teenage years. We don't know what they were working on, because they had distant themselves from us for several years until they had their eyes on one prize: a girl."

"My mother," stated Vaskàr.

"Yes, at that point, we had not known she was the sister of Nuallán and Magus. She was a mysterious girl to us and was a main target that suddenly changed them. Your father had something dark and light growing in him, and his brother started a very strong lust for her. And both started to become a predator towards her. Fortunately, your father, Vaskaldo, had gotten to her first. And this brought Ra'siar into a great rage, and he sold his soul to Årvondor, thus becoming the first evil Kasai.

"When Ra'siar reached your grandfather in a new dreadful form, this broke his heart. Ra'siar went an all-out war against his brother and father. Your father, being a coward he was the night Hanno killed your mother, hid from the battle Ra'siar and their father. Ra'siar led an army of undead corpses against his father and an army of adult loyalists. The end of the battle was catastrophic and indecisive: all forces from both sides were destroyed or killed. Three had remained alive, but your grandfather had been wounded. In the end, both leaders ended up dead: your grandfather was mortally wounded and later died of his wounds and broken heart that he had to kill his son Ra'siar."

"What about my father?" asked Vaskàr.

"We have no idea," answered Simura grimly. "He is like a con-artist, and he is quick, too. Speed was always on his side. He has completely disappeared from our gazes."

"Why didn't you focus on finding him?" asked Vaskàr, sternly.

"Because Rin chose you to be the liberator of this planet, not your father. And we are only meant to follow orders from the Kasai family like robots programmed from a computer."

"But you aren't robots," stated Vaskàr.

"We may not be," agreed Simura, "but it is our nature to serve the needs of the Kasai line. We only disobey when they do evil things and stand up against them if it means it costs us our soul, which has never happened."

"Are there other stories that happened in their twenties and thirties?"

"That's the problem: we don't know. They have hidden and ran from us very well being master strategists themselves. Once you came along, we had to withdraw our search for your father and your uncle who was back then at war with your grandfather. You were and are still important to the planet's causes."

Vaskàr shook his head in disbelief. He never knew he had such a bad family history. A day ago he believed his family was humble and honorable. Now he sees his family as liars, cheaters, killers, and cowards. Vaskàr thought he would be dealing with only evil forces, but now he has to deal with the legacy of his family tree.

"I guess I better start fixing up what my grandfather created and what his two sons destroyed: the unity of the planet's future."

"And there is something that your grandfather wanted me to tell you about," said Simura.

"What's that?" asked Vaskàr.

"The common saying passed down to all the Mystical Warriors. We are part of Earth, and Earth is a part of us. No matter what forms we take, of ghosts or living flesh of blood, Earth is the origin of all humanity, and humanity started from primitive life on the planet. The saying also includes that who die are reincarnate in some say that their bodies become a part of nature."

Vaskàr only nodded his head and decided to fly away, thinking of the saying: We are part of Earth, and Earth is a part of us.

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