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Simura caught up with the young Mystical Warrior, and both flew a lot faster than Ra'siar. Simura and Vaskàr managed to get to the Temple before the resurrected Kasai got there. Ra'siar did have his mind set to destroy the ancient, sacred bones of the Kasai family members who have been resting in the Temple for thousands of years.

Vaskàr quickly nodded at Simura without saying a word. He knew something needed to be set straight between the master and his apprentice. Vaskàr hid behind the nearest corner; Vaskàr knew Ra'siar would be drawn to Simura first.

Just then, Ra'siar himself eventually appeared and stared at Simura. They both stood in front of the Temple with swords both rip-offs of the original Swords of Dust and Fire. Simura had his Sword of Dust, which was a replica of Titus's Sword of Dust, the weapon that belonged to Octavo.

And Ra'siar had a replica that was a weak imitation of Vaskàr's Sword of Fire. Both warriors carried replicas that are pales to the original Swords that were the first forged by the original makers many millennia ago.

They were held each sword in their hands. Both master and apprentice were being confronted in front of the Temple; just like Hanno and Octavo in their personal confrontation. But this situation was a lot different. It was more of a father-figure going against the boy he raised all his life. A fatherly-sonly reunion was about to go haywire with a great hatred from Ra'siar.

"I have returned to claim the Temple, Master," said Ra'siar.

"You are no longer welcomed back to this Temple, and you lost the right to call me master the day you turned from everything Argainor!" argued Simura.

Vaskàr stood from the nearby corner listening to Ra'siar and his former master Simura. Long have Simura watched over Ra'siar since birth and trained both Ra'siar and Vaskaldo in the ancient traditions of the Mystical Warriors. Now the newly resurrected Ra'siar has come face-to-face with Simura, a similar trait when Hanno came to a confrontation with Octavo.

"Just where is Vaskàr Kasai, my nephew who found his own way from the dead and didn't have to defy the Laws of Nature? With help from the Gift of Skill that kept his Dryk'gar blood active and not his Kasai blood?"

"He is not part of this debate!"

Ra'siar puffed through his nose and mouth. "That is how it is to be?"

Simura drew out his sword, the minor weapon that took a near-form of Harth's Sword of Dust. "That is the way it is supposed to be!" Simura spun the weaker version of the original Sword of Dust and angled it in a defensive angle. "The final resolve between the failed master and the fallen apprentice!"

"So be it!" whispered Ra'siar. With a quick swing, Ra'siar pranced toward Simura. Simura blocked Ra'siar's quick attack and back-flipped backwards. As he was back flipping from balancing from a single hand, Simura used his flying feet to quickly counterattack at Ra'siar's face.

Ra'siar jumped over Simura's back-flipping, kicking attack and landed and the opposite side of Simura and lunged his flaming sword at his former master. However, Simura stood backwards after his flip and heaved his sword behind his head, blocking it from inches in length of Ra'siar's sword. Then Simura slid Ra'siar's sword and swung his entire body directly at Ra'siar's legs, knocking Ra'siar down.

As Ra'siar was being knocked down, Ra'siar used a strong wind power and blew Simura away from the Temple. Both fighters were knocked to the ground, but both got up at the same time; each other seemed to know what skills were being thrown at each other.

"I had waged fifteen years in the afterlife of fire due to your no-good supervision and my neglected father! And the fifteen years I've spent there was all because of you!" Ra'siar sent dust particulars to his former master.

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