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Vaskàr had never known it would be that freezing, breezing, ice cubing cold in the south part of the Earth's coldest south known as Ambitentia. His body was silvering like a snake and shaking if the earth was quaking. Since he wasn't the "ghost with skin" warrior, his real body that breathes oxygen was feeling the coldness nerving up his spin.

Now he knows of it feels to feel cold. He lifted the Sword of Fire and suddenly his body start to warm. Apparently, an invisible force field was protecting Vaskàr from the cold weather. It looked like a spiritual weapon could protect the soul and the body, no matter if the warrior is a living human body or a physical soul.

For the first time in a while, Vaskàr was riding solo. His teammates were debating about what to do. He knew they would only be loyal to Vaskàr Kasai, but now their trust in him was now questionable: is he really the son of Ra'siar? The fact remains that some of these power-up abilities are popping up and never had been seen before. His role as a leader and a Mystical Warrior is now being questioned by his loyalists. If he still needed their loyalty, they needed to know if Vaskàr wasn't the son of Ra'siar and didn't inherit Ra'siar's forbidden powers.

Our future depends on me now, Vaskàr thought. If I am to have an army and a group of loyal members, I must show them I can beat Ra'siar. I need to show them I am not the son of Ra'siar. The memory of Vaskaldo proves I am his son. My fighting skills shown on the security camera should be able to change people's minds I am not Ra'siar say I am.

I manage to stop worship to a pagan human god with only my fighting skills. That should prove I am more of a hero than a deluded, evil demigod trying to fulfil empty promises of a dead god. I will show this planet a certain, fake god can be beaten and show the humans what happens if one person comes back from the dead and starts blabbering about being one. May the powers of my ancestral spirits shine down on me as I search for this Crystal Skull, alone.

Vaskàr let his mind be consumed into the blade, hoping it would show him the way to find the skull in the South Pole. He had a thought the penguins would show him the way to the Skull. But he knew they wouldn't be able to say anything to him. They lived only short lives and couldn't possibly remember anything from anywhere around fifteen or sixteen years ago.

Suddenly, from a distance, a huge, bulky snow storm was coming toward him. It was big as a dust storm in the desert, just as snow in the frozen parts of the South Pole. Vaskàr's force field was weakening against this earthly foe. Protecting against evil forces of Årvondor is one thing; fighting against the forces of nature is another thing. The planet itself is like a god, able to produce life through the millions of years of evolution. And to fight its strength would be a ravaging challenge.

Vaskàr was about to have his challenge coming to him. Even though he could control the Element of Fire, the Earth could still control more of it than he could ever could. His fire powers couldn't protect him from the oncoming ice storm. He could only protect himself if he was a real Mystical Warrior. For the moment, he was just a human with a weak-link to his supernatural powers. Vaskàr had no spiritual powers coming from the blade that could save him from this ice storm.

"Hold on, sir," roared Divra's voice. The Silver Dragon landed next to the mortal Mystical Warrior and made his own force field. Divra created an energy shield that protected both him and Vaskàr just as the snow storm engulfed them in a snowy blizzard.

It seemed the Silver Dragon is loyal to the human warrior, no matter what form he is. "You shouldn't be traveling alone in this weather. Even with the Sword of Ice, Roy wouldn't be able to stop this kind of storm."

"Of maybe help him on this dangerous quest," yelled a voice.

Roy jumped off Divra's back and held the Sword of Ice in his hand. The quitter landed very close to Vaskàr it caused the Master of Fire to land on the icy ground.

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