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Alfro and the Luninar Warriors stood as a true team. Instead of four, there were five, but Vaskàr knew Alfro wasn't a Luninar Warrior. Alfro clearly didn't have a Red Skull. Red Skull marks were the main Mark of Årvondor, so what would mean Alfro had really joined Ra'siar and not Årvondor. The four Luninar Warriors, who were Monterro, Altero, Nilda, and Brutalro, carried their deadly weapons meant for destroying Earth and its natives.

Vaskàr stared at his foes with a great stern.

"Why the long face?" mocked Alfro.

"Ask that to a horse."

"HEY!" shouted another male voice.

All of a sudden, they turned only to see a unicorn standing nearby.

"I'm standing right here, you know," said the male unicorn.

Vaskàr was humiliated; he was supposed to be a noble, supernatural leader of an army of mythical creatures. Saying something that mean to an unexpected unicorn, a highly intelligent horse with a horn, was totally going to ruin his reputation of being their devoted king and leader. Vaskàr was completely shocked to see a unicorn standing right there. He was feeling like a mule.

"Sorry," Vaskàr apologize to the unicorn.

"You're lucky I'm a peaceful creature and not a violent one like a dragon. But I'll remember this." The unicorn galloped away.

Vaskàr awkwardly looked back at his enemies and asked, "So, where were we again?"

"We were going to kill each other," reminded Alfro.

"To kill you? I'll leave that to my mother's side of the family."

"The Dryk'gar family? They're supposed to have been annihilated."

"Think again, enemy!" shouted Regina's voice. She and her three older sisters came flocking to Vaskàr's side. Marlene, Lanaya, and Faine held their own sharp katana; Marlene was holding the family heirloom katana in her hands and thus making her the leader of the Dryk'gar family.

Then Brade, Titus, Harth, Haira, Divra, Simura, Wavador, and Mulikulla flew behind Vaskàr. It was eleven people and a dragon against four Luninar Warriors and one human warrior. This would mean twelve good fighters versus five evil fighters. The chances are more likely for the light side to win.

"The only people to have died in that explosion were Magus and Nuallán Dryk'gar," stated Vaskàr. "Regina and her sisters were there, and they almost died. However, they survived. Whoever tries to mess with my family will feel my wrath. All of you are going to see Ra'siar so enough."

"I doubt that," said Alfro.

"And just why do you say that?" asked Vaskàr.

"There is always room for more."

A loud dragon roared in the skies. It was the same roar that was heard near the castle of the Kasai family; Fafnir was coming down from the sky and joined the evil band.

With the evil dragon, another small band of Luninar Warrior-like people came trembling down. They had Marks of the Sword on their arms; it seems Ra'siar may have special abilities Årvondor has when Årvondor uses to make corrupt souls his own personal slaves. Now Ra'siar seems to have the same power too.

"We came prepared," said Fafnir.

"Fafnir!" growled Divra.

"Divra, you have become the Silver Dragon now!" snarled Fafnir. "There was a time I was the Silver Dragon. And when I tried to transfer that power back into my, we were interrupted. Now you have the Gift of Endless Power is given at its ultimate form: the Silver Dragon!"

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