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"What did you say again?" asked Titus.

Vaskàr's teammates were staring at their leader, thinking he had lost his mind in outer space. They were wondering if the Crystal Skull Vaskàr was holding was the one controlling him, not vice versa. But for sure, Vaskàr was the one in control of himself and not the Crystal Skull controlling him, and not coming up with crazed ideas like actually flying into outer spaces and search for alien life.

"I'd said I have found the locations of the other Crystal Skulls," repeated Vaskàr. Vaskàr knew he was in control of the Skull, and it wasn't in the nature for a Mystical Warrior to lie. Just like killing, lying is strictly forbidden, and they were unable to lie about anything because they just couldn't do it; it's not in their nature.

"I found a way to link myself to this thing I'm holding right now. Ra'siar placed his Fire in this thing, and that same Fire runs strongly in my family. So, I'm also connected to these things as well. Fire is bounded to the entire Kasai family, especially Ra'siar Kasai since the old warriors keep telling he's my uncle, and a human cultist telling me he's my father. Just make it a long story short: I know where to find these things." Vaskàr held up the Crystal Skull he was holding. "And let's go and find them."

"Great, where shall we start first?" asked Roy.

Vaskàr took a moment to gather the intel he absorbed in his mind. The first blank image that popped in a black empty space was a big and wide castle that laid with black burnt marks. "Okay? I'm seeing a ruined castle or maybe a large mansion that has burnt marks and the Mark of the Sword but with the natural purple color it has on the north side of this castle. The location: Jordsand ."

"I bet I know the one you're looking for," stated Simura. "Follow me."

Simura took off without a warning. The other blinked that Simura knew what Vaskàr was talking about. Without a moment to lose, Vaskàr followed after the warrior. Then Brade, Haira, Titus, and Harth followed Vaskàr. Roy, who was still aching from his downfall from Regina, weakly ran and weakly flapped his wings, but he was making no progress.

"You should stay behind, Roy," said Divra, blocking Roy from his awkward liftoff. "This is man's work."

"Hey, I am a man," Roy argued.

"I beg to differ." Divra lifted a claw and in one touch of Roy's arm, Roy fell backwards, asleep that fast. "Leave this to the adults. Unicorns: tend to this person's aching body and heal him fully. Father, please, return to the cave. I don't want any unwanted attention coming to the dragons."

Afterward, Divra followed the Mystical Warriors.

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The small band touched down by a beach side view of an endless view of the blue ocean. The surroundings they stood on were high cliffs, dangling by the oceans maddening waves threshing against the rocks. The clouds soared low in the high sky. A weak, thin fog covered mountaintops of nearby views of a large surroundings mountain of mountain ranges. A single castle dared be standing near the edges of the cliffs on the upmost point of a strategic overlook of the ocean. Looking like ancient castle with the long towers and everything else that was included, the castle built in the middle of nowhere stood up and still in one piece.

"Just what is that supposed to be, Simura?" asked Vaskàr.

"That is the ancestor home of the Kasai family long before the Temple was built, Vaskàr. This was where you were supposed to live, but Hanno knew about you and tried to have you killed," answered Simura. "It has been abandoned for years. No living being should be there, expect for some spiders and rats."

Horrors of Fire and Skulls (Mystical Warriors book 2)Where stories live. Discover now