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As he was flying, he was thinking of Ásvald's opinion that something big and evil was coming to the planet. Was there really something big coming, or was it just a group of teenagers trying to prank Vaskàr's actions through graffiti painting? These thoughts of his Mark were beginning to make Vaskàr think about his uncle and father. He halted in midair to wonder if there was so much more from his father and uncle than meets the eye and ear.

He mustn't question his family tree right now because he still needed to know more about the two people in the family, and he suddenly felt a strange feeling that some negativity was aching at the sacred Temple. Vaskàr bolted the rest of the way.

In a few seconds, Vaskàr landed straight for the second level of his most valued Temple. Vaskàr was not relieved at first of his Temple; a group of five people dressed in very expensive suits walking around with canes.

Businessmen had come again to buy the place. They were walking and looking at the Temple structures, pointing their canes at what they thought were flaws in the walls and needed to be removed. They were making their way through a crowd of poorer people as if they didn't care.

Vaskàr wouldn't in a hundred years sell his Temple only to have it redecorated or demolished. It was going to stay the same way it has been for thousands of years, in grey stone with the same statues, same color, same size, same stained windows, and no changes to the structure.

They're not going to take this Temple from me, he said to himself. Vaskàr saw them walking towards the entrance to his temple.

"And look at these outdated colors, totally worthless," said one.

"And the statues inside this outdated building are outdated as well. Everything here must be replaced with modern sculptures," said another. "Everything you see here, gentlemen, is outdated. Maybe this building must be demolished and replaced with modern-day houses, gas stations, office buildings, and plazas. This is one complete flaw in on private land."

"This Temple is not outdated or a flaw!" shouted Vaskàr, floating down at front entrance in order to block the businessmen in front of the group of businessmen. "You people are outdated, not my Temple. This place is for spiritual guidance and world history. This place is not for buying and destroying. And as long as I live, I will never sell this place to you. That is something you can guarantee on. If there's a living armored teenager, then there is no demolishing this ancient place. Now scram, little children, before I call an army of dragons."

Vaskàr buffed up his wings and flew over the railing of the second level. He landed with ease and softly touching the concrete ground. He peeked over the concrete railing to see if the businessmen were truly going away who Vaskàr knew won't leave.

In some cases, he would grow a little curious about what reckless people would do if they went into the Temple. In this case, he wants to see what will happen when these people would go into the Temple. He could hear whispers of insults about him; he heard names as the men below called him an insane kid, unintelligent teenager, and a kid who knows nothing.

After thirty seconds of listening to their whispering insults, Vaskàr strolled into the Temple at the nearest doorway. He walked down a spiral stairway and flew to the Temple's main hall ceiling and waited for those businessmen to come in.

It was about five minutes before the suited men came into the Temple. Vaskàr, who was flying silently like a ladybug, watched closely at his unwanted guests. They strolled through the columns of scrolls and some of them had dumped about two dozen scrolls on the ground like garbage. They didn't care about ancient paper that told of ancient history written in a dead language. Thereafter, they walked through the center and dumped out a few candy wrappers on the sparkling, clean floor. They definitely had no respect for the Temple's interior walls or the Temple itself.

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