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As the day drew to a close, the Mystical Warriors were getting nowhere in finding Ryol or any high-ranking members in the Guardians of Ra'siar's Fire group. They were fortunate to find more than a dozen low-ranked members (or pawns in a game of chess) of that evil organization and wipe their memories clean as if they never remembered the group. Every person the Warriors encountered was seen from ages fourteen-to-nineteen.

In other words, they were finding teens that have left their families behind to start what they believe would be a better life than dusting shelves and doing chores. A life where they can be free and do any chaotic things they wanted.

Vaskàr knew these kids' minds were young, they would believe in any promise, because they won't have enough experience dealing with the outside world. The teens were not that open-minded that they have been living the life of slavery, but that is what human society Vaskàr knew was coming to.

There was hardly anything he could do to help teens lean towards the Light instead the dark path. Vaskàr was a Mystical Warrior; a soul with physical skin that was meant to fight and beat the darkness away from the human race. But the humans are numbered in the billions and not hundreds of thousands like they numbered thousands of years ago.

During that timeline, there were more Warriors defending the planet and not a group smaller than a dozen. And around that timeline, aliens from outer space came out of nowhere and sent the ancient Mystical Warriors to oblivion. The aliens haven't been seen since then.

Vaskàr knew he had to find a way to beat around the group and stop Ra'siar from coming back from the dead. But how could he do that? There were a ton of mountain ranges that have many caves, deserts with have small holes, and so on. He had an idea where to start: go the place where Ra'siar most visited. He always knew the best place to start: to see the most favorite places Ra'siar always liked the best when he was still alive. As always, he was guessing theories. Vaskàr needed to ask people who personally knew Ra'siar when he was alive.

If I started with Jason and asked him about the other two survivors from that one battle, thought Vaskàr. Then I could get somewhere in find the Crystal Skulls.

Then Divra walked up to Vaskàr, leaning against the Temple's south walls. "Do you mind if I talk to you quickly?"

"No, not at all, Divra," replied Vaskàr.

"I was looking at the Crystal Skull you had inside the Temple. I don't know much about them. As a Silver Dragon, I searched for any memories of my Silver Dragon predecessors and little trace of these Crystal Skulls, and found nothing useful. On the other claw, er, I mean, hand, it seems my father knows something about these Crystal Skulls. In fact, he has one of these things in a private collection he has."

Surprise by this miraculous news, Vaskàr had a second Skull within his grasp. And destroying it would be one step closer to keeping Ra'siar away, pertinently.

Nithhogar swooped out of the sky and landed behind his son. Nithhogar's left front leg was folded if he was carrying a giant human baby. But in reality, he was holding a Crystal Skull in his forepaw and handed it down to Vaskàr. "This was in my position for a short time, or a long time your human years. In one lifetime, Ra'siar visited my cave without ever getting noticed. We thought this was some of great importance, but it turns out it is not for the Light. Now I figured you should have it, to destroy it."

Vaskàr grabbed the Crystal Skull from the former Dragon King's forepaw and held it with his own hands. Two down and only five more to go. But the question remains: how to destroy the Crystal Skull?

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