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Ra'siar, assumed in his new godly form, strolled down the stairway of the archway. His massive red-blood body with giant horns of a bull and hooves of a goat reflected the redness of Fire itself. A small black, silky robe draped from his shoulders. His new profound form amazed his cultists, as they bowed before their God of Fire. The uncle of Vaskàr raised his hands as more torches of fires sparked on the long stairway that led a specific person: Ryol. Ra'siar's second-in-command and seemly faithful servant kneeled to the newly resurrected god.

"Oh, Ra'siar, God of Fire; it is I, Ryol; your obedient and humble servant. I come before you, with the cult you have trusted me to bring to rise. We number in the tens of thousands worldwide, O Mighty Ruthless God of Fire. And a hundred thousand more are well on their way."

Ra'siar smiled big. "You have done well, my servant," said the false God of Fire. His voice was a mixture as a bull's charging roar, a volcano's earthquake, a deep sober of a lion's growl, and a thundering lightning bolt. "I feel we are growing in numbers higher than the mountains that rise from the ground. Yet I smell some questions inside you, a great resistance with one particular person!"

"Vaskàr refuses to be called to be your son," Ryol stated. "He says Vaskaldo was his father and that you killed him. In fact, he showed me a memory: you killed him. He also says he's given up the Element of Fire to the planet. He's now a mortal human, like us all."

There was a serious large amount of nods.

"Vaskàr Kasai is now a human!?" Ra'siar snipped. "He had sacrificed the Element of Fire to the ground, deep in the Earth? So, he found his own way to come back from the dead, eh?"

"No, sir," said Ryol. "He found out his mother's blood was still active, and used that to turn his human body alive and assumed the form of a Dryk'gar. Your blood that runs in him is dead, but his mother's blood is still alive."

"So, he is both alive and dead?" groaned Ra'siar. "How interesting! One half of him is alive and the other half is dead. Such raw power and skill that must take; to transform back-and-forth into a ghost with skin and a dead human body that is half dead and half alive. This is such power could be what this planet must need."

"How 'bout you go back where you came from, you God of Fire!" Roy stumbled out of the hiding place and faced the big and large monstrous creature that was Vaskàr's uncle.

Vaskàr, Titus, Haira, Harth, the three warrior veterans, and the four female Dryk'gars watched Roy unexpected walk to face the reincarnated Ra'siar.

"As speaker of this good-natured planet and its good friends, I ORDER you to go back into the world of the dead or to another planet where you can sick the blood off of undead zombies or the farthest place where no life ever excited!" Roy blinked nervously. Then his guts began to swell up with great anxiety.

"And who are you, small-fry?" Ra'siar snarled at the puny site of Roy.

"Small-fry!? Why, I'm a God of Ice, and I'm here to proclaim—"

"There is only room for one god for this planet: ME!" Ra'siar raised his hands and seeds of lightening sparked from his hands and headed toward the not-so-smart Master of Ice, who saw his life was about to be melted away by a fiery lightning bolt.

Not before Vaskàr could spring into action and blocked the attack with his katana and the Sword of Fire. The lightening attack reflected from Vaskàr's blade and bolted at numerous people of Ra'siar's cultists.

Ra'siar stopped and saw Vaskàr in his human form.

Vaskàr withdrew his katana and the Sword of Fire. He looked at the Master of Ice and shouted from the bottom of his lungs: "Roy, if you very dare call yourself a god ever again, I will burn you!"

Horrors of Fire and Skulls (Mystical Warriors book 2)Where stories live. Discover now