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Vaskàr strolled into the Temple and told his female cousins of what just happened right under their noses. They had a real advantage; Vaskàr could still disguise himself as a regular human being and their enemies wouldn't even know he is human. He told them of the remaining locations of the three Crystal Skulls. Vaskàr was confident they could be able to find and banish the Crystal Skulls before Ra'siar does come back.

"How do we know if Ra'siar isn't already back yet?" asked Regina.

"Look where we are standing," answered Vaskàr. "We are in the presence of Rin's Temple. He is buried here, along with his sons and descendants who lived after him. We still have an opportunity to banish the Skulls into outer space before Ra'siar comes back."

"Why not just send the ones we have right now into space?" asked Lanaya.

"Because all the Skulls are connected to the Element of Fire Ra'siar had placed them in. Sending them all out will just be brought back by the others. All the Crystal Skulls also are connected through some cosmic wire. If we send out the Skulls we have, the others would pull them back to Earth. We need to send them all out, all at once."

The girls looked grim with Vaskàr's plan. They began whispering to themselves and away from him. Vaskàr shook his head and exited the Temple; he seemed to have a feeling they weren't going to be joining up with him. And that is fewer fighters they had to go find the three remaining Crystal Skulls.

He headed out to talk to his teammates and see what they were bickering about.

Brade and Harth were talking. Haira was with Simura and Wavador and Titus. Roy wasn't there with them. For someone who was always itching for a fight, Roy wasn't going to be joining up with the fight. Divra had his body laid on its side as the Mystical Warriors were talking amongst each other, as having a group conversation like senators at a worldly meeting.

Vaskàr had a feeling everyone was debating about a new rule of leadership. For the first time in their history, a Mystical Warrior had taken the form of a human organic being. For thousands of years, it was the human soul and not the body that was always the form of the spiritual warrior. Since Vaskàr is the first person in history to be a living Mystical Warrior, there was now a great amount of debating if Vaskàr Kasai was truly a Kasai or if he is Ra'siar's true son.

Vaskàr, who was feeling like he should be moving on his own to find these Skulls along, coughed and get their attention to him. He has gotten their attention and said, "It seems this day is the day of something extraordinary and tragic; I am both alive and dead. I have the abilities of a Mystical Warrior in the form of a human being. And everyone is talking to see if they are placing their trust into me.

"And there are disagreements of being Vaskaldo's son or Ra'siar's son. Then until Ra'siar has been dealt with, I'm flying solo, even if I have to fight him alone and show the planet he is not my father."

Vaskàr buffed and his magnificent, ruby wings appeared out of the bloom. The great wings bared a great amount of weight on his back. For now, he still commanded his wings to his will and flew off, toward the south where he wants to find a Crystal Skull lying in wait at the frozen parts of the South Pole.

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