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Vaskàr, Roy, Harth, Titus, Brade, and Haira touched down at the east entrance of the Temple, landing at a part of the east-side balcony. Divra, being a large-sized beast, landed on solid ground. After saving the entire group from total destruction, Divra's wings were tiresome and weak and a bit shaky. Never before has he conjured a big barrier around him, the Mystical Warriors, and the police force from an exploding bomb. Divra was used to that power, only he used it to defend himself and not others around him. So that marked the first time ever he used that force-field around a large group. Then he noticed that the sun was setting in the west. It seemed time was flying faster than the Mystical Warriors flying around the planet ten times.

As a noble leader of this small band, Vaskàr had sure his unit was okay.

"Never before have we dealt with one enemy that could beat us singlehandedly," said Titus.

"Yeah," agreed Brade.

"I just can't believe a dead relative of Vaskàr has found a way to come from the dead," stated Harth. "Vaskàr, did you know about this?"

Vaskàr sighed and looked at this crystal object. How could he know such an ability existed? Such power should never exist in the world of the living. There was no way Ra'siar could come back from the dead. "No," he answered. "I never knew Ra'siar could do that."

"Look at the bright side," said Divra. "We made it out alive. No casualties expect Ra'siar and the Luninar Warriors, who may have been wiped out. So it seemed we really had another Kasai on our side."

Vaskàr looked at Divra. "Not if the Kasai was trying to kill us all."

"Point taken," said Divra.

After waiting a few minutes for Simura, the dragon saw him flying down with ease. Divra softly growled at the young warriors on the Temple's balcony, to get their attention.

They heard Divra calling them, and saw Simura touching down near the Silver Dragon. Vaskàr and his teammates floated from the balcony to the slid ground. "Now would be the good time to tell us everything, Simura," said Vaskàr. Vaskàr held the crystal item in front of him. "What in the Earth's core is this... thing?"

"That would happen to be a Crystal Skull; an item you youngsters have never heard of. Even Divra wouldn't know. Or any of his Silver Dragon predecessors, not even Fafnir would know this skull," answered Simura.

"How is that?" asked Titus.

"Crystal Skulls aren't part of this planet or created from Årvondor or any living force; these Skulls came from outer space sometime either during or before the dawn of man came abroad on this planet."

"Wow!" exclaimed Roy. "That long? Millions or billions of years ago. Who would have thought?"

"It was within that time length these Crystal Skulls mysteriously appeared from the stars and came into orbit of Earth and touched down. Seven Skulls landed on the planet back when all the continents were one continent before splitting up. It was within that time zone the Crystal Skulls crashed down to Earth, impacting the crust so greatly it broke the landmass into seven land masses: one to the icy south, two the Western Hemisphere, and four in the Eastern Hemisphere. Thinking where this is going now?"

"I'm seeing a pattern here," said Vaskàr. "Seven Crystal Skull, seven continents, seven deities!"

"Basically, gifts from the deities, or 'gods' in the modern day term," stated Simura. "These Crystal Skulls are some kind of mysterious yet mystical power that connects them all around the planet like an invisible wire are connected them just like we humans are connected with all nature itself."

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