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Everyone stood very still, stunned. Vaskàr had his mouth dropped. Haira, Brade, Titus and Harth stood still. The Luninar Warriors and Simura glared at this figure who just called himself Ra'siar Kasai, a long deceased uncle of Vaskàr Kasai. Divra stood the same as everyone else, as did the police force. Apparently, everyone was stunned by this unusual news of a dead person who is claiming he came back to life. But for Roy, he had no idea what was going on with this strange dude.

"What? Did? You? Say?" groaned Vaskàr.

The figure answered: "I am Ra'siar. And I have come back from the dead."

Vaskàr couldn't believe it; a dead relative before his eyes? That was impossible, even for a corrupted soul; nothing could back from the dead. How could this be so? Vaskàr could feel the presence of the Element of Fire running strongly in this dark figure. "That is impossible! No man could come back from the dead. Only Årvondor could have such an ability. But he could only make souls into physical forms as we Mystical Warriors are made of souls with skin. How is this all possible? How are you even alive? Are you really Ra'siar Kasai?"

"And just why would I want to give all my secrets away?" said the so-called Ra'siar. "Why don't you can ask Simura about that, hm? Hey, Simura, why don't you convince the boy I am really Ra'siar?"

Then everyone turned to Simura; he was breathing heavily.

"I don't wish it to be true," responded Simura.

Vaskàr gave a sign of relief.

"But it is true and I know he's right," admitted Simura. "Vaskàr Kasai, meet your uncle: Ra'siar Kasai."

Vaskàr's sign of relief faded into a gasp of deep shock. He wanted to protest about it, but Vaskàr sensed Simura was telling the truth, and there was no sense of arguing about it. This dark figure was Ra'siar Kasai.

"Uncle?" said Ra'siar. "I prefer the term 'father', Simura. After all, the boy needs some training. I see he has the Temple's training, but not the entirety of the Kasai's training."

"Don't you call me boy," protested Vaskàr. "I am the Master of Fire."

"Don't you call yourself the Master of Fire," said Ra'siar. Ra'siar leached out his hand, calling to the Sword of Fire. The Sword of Fire flew from Vaskàr's grip, sailing in the air towards Ra'siar's hands and the blade lit with an orange flame.

Everyone gasped, even the Luninar Warriors.

"Hah. I've waited so long to hold this sword. The sword forged by the hands of Rin Kasai himself. For thousands of years, the Kasais carried and cherished the Sword of Fire for the Light. Things are going to be different now that I'm back."

Vaskàr suddenly detected a lie in Ra'siar. Vaskàr was indicating that Ra'siar was telling the truth and a lie all in one. "Wait a second. I am detecting you are and you are not Ra'siar like you are there and you are not there. The truth and a lie being told at the same time. This has got to be some kind of some hallucination."

"Oh, it is not, Vaskàr," stated Ra'siar. "You are right; I am both here and not here."

"How is that possible?" demanded Vaskàr.

"The Element of Fire runs strong in our family. Rin had it, my father had it, my brother had it, I have it, and you carry the Power of the Flame in you."

"This still doesn't make sense," said Vaskàr.

"Why would I want to reveal anything to you, Vaskàr?" asked Ra'siar. "Telling secrets to others in public, especially to my enemies: the humans, Simura, your kiddy warriors, and the Luninar Warriors? That would be a sign of low intelligence, and I won't be telling anything about me. I keep my secrets. If you want my secrets, you're going have to find them out on your own. Even if I am killed right here right now, I will come back. I will keep coming back from the dead. Until a certain number of killings and resurrections, I will have enough energy to create a new physical body, a body the Mystical Warriors or humans won't be able to kill. I am not just the Master of Fire; I am the God of Fire.

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