Ch. 23- Expect The Unexpected

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*Four Days Later*


Did anyone know friends were so crazy? Like sure, my Samantha was a little off? But Alex's friends? My new friends? These people were psycho.

I was currently being aggressively dragged from store to store in the mall, and aggressively thrown into more and more provocative clothing and when I complained how provocative they were, they just yelled at me, "NASTY NINETEEN McKENZIE!"

Everyone makes such a big deal about my birthday. Especially Alex. I haven't seen her since the drunken night of horrors. No one has really, except the guys.

Right! Let me catch you guys up to speed. Crazy things happened following that day. Bad crazy things. First Aliyah and Dyno started arguing way early in the morning. Their relationship was taking a turn in the toxic direction. But also, Chantelle was so mad at Alex for taking her car for the night. She forbid her from ever using her car again! So that warranted for Megan to come pick me up. Which somehow led to her seeing Chantelle again for the first time since that night.

I'm like 75% sure they've started back talking to eachother but, it's not particularly my business and besides, I've been focused on ways to see my crush.

I've been floating inside ever since she told me she wants me to live with her. That has got to mean something, right? It's me. I'm the one she wants to wake up next to everyday.

I grinned and bit my lip as Sammie held the same dress in two different colors against me, I guess trying to figure out which one looked best when I could've easily told her red was definitely more my color, but I let her figure it out.

Instead I'll finish recounting the last four days. Anywhoo ..

That same night when I got home and was texting Alex, she told me she had to go the beach, Dyno asked her to meet him at the spot. She explained to me that he was an emotional mess and that Aliyah had broken up with him and she had to stay and comfort him and she wouldn't be home for a while. Of course Alex was there for Dyno, but upon hearing that news I just had to call Aliyah and make sure she was okay.

She was not.

She went on and on about how she didn't deserve him and how it was her and not him and I just felt heartbroken for her. Their love was so messy, but it was theirs. There was history there that we couldn't event begin to imagine.

The next day she came out to me as pansexual.

She begged me not to tell anyone yet until she was ready. Of course I wouldn't, it wasn't my story to tell. But I was grateful she felt safe enough to confide in me with something that is obviously really big and important to her. Aliyah is strong and I love her. Would it be a stretch if I dare say I feel like she's my best friend? Definitely my favorite out of the group. (Don't tell Steve)

And right now, she looked weird.

"Aliyah, are you good? Your face is so red I think you might pass out," I asked her while Sammie and Skye discussed the pros and cons of my potential-birthday dress.

She shook her head and I swear her face got even redder if it was possible, "What do you mean? Girl, I'm good," she shoved her hands in her pockets, "I actually think this," She grabbed a random dress off the rack next to her, "might look really good for me, no?"

"No!" Sammie and Skye simultaneously scolded her.

"Are you not listening to anything that's been discussed, Allie?" Sammie sighed, "Here," she opened her designer purse and pulled out a fifty. I always wondered what her parents did that made so much money. They're like rich rich, they have a private beach house in L.A for freaks sake, "You guys just go ahead to the foodcourt and get some pizza or something." She rolled her eyes.

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