(Request) Jealousy- Remus

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Requested by: odettewernique

Request: I was wondering if you could do one of young Remus Lupin x reader getting jealous?

A.N: I hope this was okay? I've chopped and changed this several times so I hope it makes sense. Sorry in advance if it doesn't.


Most people in Hogwarts, if you ask them, will tell you how much of a good student Remus Lupin is. And how kind and caring he is towards, not just his friends, but also his fellow peers. In fact any student he crossed paths with which also included you. You had come into contact with his kindness on oh so many occasions. Most of your days were spent in his presence. So what was the problem?

The problem was, was that you've become to feel like your presence didn't matter around the bookworm. Yes, he spoke to you and you spoke back but it never felt like he truly appreciated you being there. And not to mention the jealousy that came along with that. You weren't jealous at the people he spoke to but rather at how he spoke to them. He seemed to have better and longer conversations with people he's never met before then you. And it wasn't like he didn't know you, you were in alot of the same classes together for Merlin's sake.

Whereas, as far as Remus was concerned you had no qualms or issues with him. After all why would you? You were a good classmate of his. At least that's what he thought. Remus didn't know anything about the unintentional jealousy he's been causing you to feel or the fact he's been making you feel like you were invisible to him. None of this ever crossed his mind. After all unless you screamed it in his face he had no reason to think otherwise.

So this being the case Remus went on about his daily life with no knowledge of your hurt or jealousy.


Watching him from across the courtyard, you didn't bother to hide the jealousy you felt as he continued to laugh with the Hufflepuff student he was currently talking to. You originally came outside to the courtyard with Amy, your best friend, to do some revision for your upcoming Herbology test but that went out the window the moment you heard Remus' laugh over everyone elses.

"Look at him!" You muttered as your eyes focused on him instead of the book you had brought with you.

Putting her book down on her lap, Amy glanced at you before following your line of sight to Remus. Taking a deep breath she sighed. "Why don't you talk to him?" She suggested.

Hearing her words made you momentarily loose concentration on him. "What, just so he can ignore me or brush off what I say? No thanks." You replied not even looking at her.

"You know." She began. "You're making this out to be far worse then what it really is." Amy pointed out now closing her book. "I'm sure he doesn't even realise he's making you feel this way." This made you look at her.

"I mean come on, it's Remus freaking Lupin! The boy doesn't have a bad bone in his body. He couldn't be bad even if he tried!" She had a point and you knew it.

"Yeah but-" You began, going to say some smart ass remark.

"No buts." She interjected. "Go talk to him."

"Yeah b-"

"Ah! I said no buts." Amy said cutting you off again, making you groan. That was until she realised what the time was. "Shit! Look I've got to get to Charms but I expect to hear the result of your conversation with him at dinner."


Amy left some time ago and you still hadn't moved from your position on the bench. You've yet to even open up your book. Your eyes just seemed to focus more intently on Remus. "I should talk to him." You thought but then the anxious side of you kicked in.

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