Chapter Eight.

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This story takes place on Earth 38 with Kara from Earth 2 and Lena from Earth 38. This chapter was written by The_huntress56

Three day's later

"Dodge, flip, kick" Alex yelled as she trained her "come on Danvers you are better then this". Kara did what she was told but the moment she did the flip she stepped on her Cape and fell down.

She let a groan as she layed there on the ground. "If the other Kara can do this then I can do it" She mumbled to herself as Alex walked up to her.

"Come on get up" she said as she held out her hand for Kara to take. Kara took her hand and stood up "Thankyou Alex"

"How about you get us a drink while I set the place up for the next round" Alex suggested trying to get Kara to rest a little.

Kara nodded and left the training room making her way to the lounge room where she saw Lena typing something.

Kara looked down and hesitated before entering but she went in instead. She grabbed a water from the fridge and walked towards Lena.

"May I join you" Kara asked as she stood behind the chair next to Lena's. Lena looked up and looked back down.

Kara sighed and walked away but something stopped her "go ahead take a sit".

Kara smiled a bit as she turned around to sit down. "So what are you working on" Kara asked as she looked at Lena's computer.

"When I told you to sit here I didn't mean for a conversation to happen" Lena responded coldly as she kept on typing.

Making Kara irritated "look whatever my doppelganger did to you I bet she had a reason too".

Lena stopped typing and looked at Kara "so she had a reason to lie to me 4 years then making me Kill my own brother".

"In first place with all this supergirl thing I'm realizing that I would have lied to my wife and kids to protect them too" Kara stated "and in second place Supergirl didn't make you do anything you did that on your own".

Kara stood up and left but stopped at the door "I would agree with the 1st Kara". Leaving Lena speechless as she walked out of the room.

Lena sat there motionless just staring at her computer until the screen turn off then she saw her reflection and noticed how broken she was. Without Kara she realized she had no joy inside her.

"Oh you're back" Alex said as finished setting up the room "I see you forgot my drink".

Kara groaned "I'm so sorry Alex I had a run in with Lena and I totally forgot".

"How did that go" Alex questioned as she leaned against dummy "I bet it got rough".

Kara nodded and took a sit against on the floor as she leaned her back against the wall. "Ahh don't worry dude she will get over it" Alex assured as she sat next to Kara.

"I know she isn't my Lena but it breaks me seeing her this mad at me" Kara responded as she laid her head on Alex's shoulder "it feels wrong".

Alex laid her head on top of hers "I know just don't worry about it soon she will come around like now".

Kara frowned "what do you mean".

"I mean that she's standing right there" Alex said as she pointed to the doorway.

Kara turned her head and saw Lena standing there. " I will leave you two alone while I got get the drink Kara forgot" Alex said as she stood up to leave the room.

Leaving Kara and Lena alone. "Wanna sit down" Kara asked as she motioned her head next to her. Lena nodded and sat next to Kara.

"So I have been thinking and I know I have been a little bitchy" Lena started talking but Kara interrupted

"a little".

Lena let out a small chuckle making Kara giggle "well a bitch".

"And I know you are not my Kara so I will try to be a little more nice" Lena stated as she looked over kara.

Kara smiled and sticked her hand out trying to get a hand shake instead Lena went for hug. Kara was surprised but she missed her Lena and that hug meant a lot to her.

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