Chapter Thirteen.

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This story takes place on Earth 2 with Kara from Earth 38 and Lena from Earth 2.
Over the next few days, Kara tried to avoid Lena. She went on long walks around the time she would come home, and would return after dinner. The kids began to notice it. Katherine was angry about it, she knew the signs. Obviously she wasn't thinking clearly, only knowing half the story. Today she caught Kara before she could leave. "I know what your doing Kara!" Katherine said harshly. Kara turned around and faced her daughter.

"Excuse me?" Kara said. "I am your mother, don't you dare call me Kara," she said.

"Well I will stop calling you Kara when you stop cheating on my mother!" Katherine said bitterly.

"I am not cheating on your mother, I would never!" Kara answered. She might not be Lena's wife or Katherine's mother but it still angered her to have her think that.

"Lauren, Laura, and I, we all see this and mom doesn't, it's not right so either you tell her or I will!" Katherine yelled. The door opened and Lena sat there confused. She didn't know what was going on with the two of them but she knew it wasn't good.

"What's going on?" She asked. "Tell me what?" Katherine turned towards Lena.

"You do it or I will!" Katherine said rudely.

"She thinks I'm cheating on you," Kara said. Lena placed her head in her hands.

"Katherine go upstairs," Lena pleaded. Katherine scoffed and rolled her eyes.

"Fine, But I want her gone," she said bitterly, pointing at Kara.

"Katarina Alexandria Danvers!" Her mother yelled sternly. "You will not speak of or to your mother like that, two, you will not make false accusations towards your mother, do I make myself clear?" She finished by crossing her arms.

"Yes ma'am," she sighed and rolled her eyes. Once she was up stairs Kara spoke.

"Just tell them who I am," Kara said.

"If that's what you want, we can tell them tomorrow," Lena said.

"No, you can tell them, I'm leaving tonight," Kara said. Lena cocked her head.

"What do you mean leaving tonight, we haven't figured out a way to get you home?" Lena asked .

"I'm going to stay somewhere else, I'm not wanted here, and that is perfectly fine, I am not even supposed to be here," Kara said. "I will be at the lab for testing tomorrow morning."

"Kara, please just stay," Lena begged.

"No, there is nothing keeping me here, you're not my wife," she said trying to hold back her tears.

"What about the kids, they need both of us?" Lena asked.

"These...these aren't my kids," she pointed at the picture with Lena's four children.

"You live here, not where ever you plan on staying," Lena added.

"This isn't my home." Kara finally let her tears fall.

"None of that matters, we all love you," Lena said hoping it would change Kara's mind.

"No, you all love your Kara, and Katherine has made it perfectly clear, I am not the Kara wanted here." Lena began to speak but Kara tuned her out. She walked straight out the door and didn't turn back. She went to the one place she knew she could. Alex's.

"Mom?" Katarina called. Lena turned and faced her daughter.

"Yes Katarina?" She asked.

"Is mom..." Katarina paused. "How do I word this?" She whispered. "Is she really mom?" She finally asked.

"She is, But she isn't from this earth," Lena said. "She breached a portal because she was flying too fast and got stuck here, and your mom is stuck on her earth," Lena added.

"Oh," Katarina looked down. She realized she acted horrible towards a woman who was lost and stuck away from her home.

"So even if she was out, sleeping with someone, it wouldn't matter, she isn't cheating on me," Lena said. "She isn't my wife."

"But it still hurts you, because you love her?" Katarina said. Lena closed her eyes and nodded.

"She might not be our Kara, but she is Kara and all of the reasons I fell in love with her are there."

"I shouldn't have gone at her, she didn't deserve it," Katarina said. "She is stuck here with nobody who understands her, she needs us."

"She does, but I don't even know where to find her," Lena said, throwing her hands up in surrender.

"So listen for her heartbeat, I'm sure you have it memorized," Katarina suggested. "Didn't you say she came out the minute you got close to her the last time she took off?" Lena nodded.

"I suppose I do know her heartbeat by heart," Lena said.

"She has your heartbeat memorized, she loves you too mom, plus I need her here to apologize to her."

"Make sure Caleb stays in bed, and if he gets scared take him into bed with you," her mother asked. Katarina nodded and went upstairs. Lena left shortly after to look for Kara. She started with the few alien bars around the city, she thought if Kara wanted to blow off steam, it would be at at bar.

"Lena, what can I get for you?" M'gann asked.

"Hopefully Kara?" She asked. "Is she here, or has she been here?" M'gann shook her head.

"She hasn't been here in a while, sorry" Lena nodded and said thank you and left. She was wrong. Kara wasn't at either of the four bars she loved. So checked her office at the firm, nobody but Andrea was there.

"Hey lena, what brings you in at... 10:30 at night?" She asked.

"Has Kara by any chance been here at all?" Lena asked. Andrea shook her head.

"No, why is everything okay?" Andrea asked. Lena shook her head.

"She's been on edge to say the least," Lena said. "Ever since the night before the case." Andrea nodded. She knew something had to be seriously wrong with Kara.

"Is she okay?" Andrea asked.

"She and Katherine got into a fight today, Katherine thought she was cheating because her and I haven't been on the best terms, and she stormed off and I can't let her wonder the streets." Lena let out a sigh.

"Oh that's awful, Lena I'm so sorry," Andrea said sympathetically.

"She claimed she felt unwanted and that's not true, all I want is for her to be okay, and happy and home with me."

"Well if she shows up here or I see her roaming the streets I will call or drop her off," Andrea said.

"Thank you, I appreciate this." Andrea nodded and waved goodbye as Lena left to continue searching for Kara.

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