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Chapter 1 Nightmare Island.

From a bird's eye view through the wispy clouds, the deep blue ocean could be seen. With this perspective, the entire body of water became a curvy mirror, reflecting the beautiful skies.

There were many verdant islands dotting the boundless ocean, but under a certain raincloud lay a more special one, an island of about forty kilometers wide.

It was a somewhat rhombus shaped island, with a perfectly straight peak at its center. From far away, the vast island looked as if a sword was lodged into it.

This island was entirely surrounded by massive cliffs, without a single beach.

The waters below the cliffs were unusually turbulent, and the sound of angry tides ramming into the disarrayed reefs was often heard.

With this structure around the fringes of the island, it meant that it was a sealed off island upon which no ship could berth!

On the south side of the island, at a protruding cliff, a fifteen year old young boy, wearing thin clothes, sat at the edge of the rocks. He watched the seas and the unknown land beyond with wistful eyes, yet there was also a mysterious trace of grief.

This was a gloomy face that did not match his age. However, he maintained it without any disguise. It was his genuine feelings that were shown...

The storming waves battered the cliff, occasionally spraying upwards. The ocean winds bit into the young boy's thin clothes, tousling his messy hair.

The young boy sat silently on the cliff like a statue, his insignificant body facing the violent tides......

After a period of time, a horn sounded out from the depths of the forest.


Hearing the horn, the boy showed a loathe expression, but nevertheless stood up and walked towards the sound.

The boy looked thin, but his movements were agile. In the intricate forest, he dashed with ease. Very soon, he arrived at an open area within the forest.

The open area was circular, with a radius of about 100 meters. Around the open area was a wall made up of thirty meter high wooden spikes, creating a village-like campground.

The campground only had one entrance. At the entrance were four men in green clothes.These four men were all about thirty years old, with nothing that stood out.

But what did stand out were the frightening fangs of the wolf-like beasts beside them!


The four fierce wolves saw the boy walk in and they immediately growled, baring their bony white teeth and threatening to pounce on the lean boy.

"Get your ass in here! Coming here this slowly, do you wanna die? Humph, Your body won't even satisfy my wolf's nightly snack!"

The young boy stayed out of the wolf's reach and ran inside the base.

Looking at the back of the boy, the spiky haired man spat with disdain. "If only I knew who brought this kid in. He looks too weak to do anything, let alone withstand the torture of our nightmare camps."

"It was Boss Xia, I heard......"The other red haired man paused, and in a deep voice continued.

"You know...the kid's already a dead man."

"A dead man," Gulei snorted. "Which one of these little bastards isn't already a dead man?" Gulei said carelessly.

"You don't understand. That kid used to be the young master of a clan. He offended somebody, so they hired people in the Nightmare Palace to get rid of him."

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