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Chapter 236: Speed and Dodging, Li City Chase

“What if I lose?” Chu Mu glanced at the soul pet under Miss Sha.

The soul pet Miss Sha rode was a Light Rhinoceros. Full of flowing silver hair, it wasn’t tainted by a single speck. Noble and holy, it created a perfect contrast with Chu Mu’s evil and handsome Night Thunder Dream Beast.

“If you lose, you lose. Don’t want anything from you, I just want to compete against your Night Thunder Dream Beast.” Miss Sha said.

This Miss Sha should be an expert of the young generation. Her Light Rhinoceros was a strengthened seventh phase commander. For people able to have such a soul pet, 500,000 was just a small number.

“Forget about the 500,000, just help me find someone.” Chu Mu just remembered, in such a large city, even if he had made a meeting with Ye Qingzi, he still didn’t know how to find the two. Seeing as these young masters and lady should be well known within Li City, he could ask them to help out.

“No problem, there isn’t anyone in Li City I can’t find.” Miss Sha let out a confident smile.

“Commence trading, commence trading! I’ll be banker, put your bets in now!” Seeing that there will be something to watch, he started yelling like a marketplace trader.

With the young man’s shout, this group of idle young masters all started pulling out money and started the bet.

Chu Mu glanced at the money on the bets. Doing some basic calculations, he found that on this bet was three million gold, of which one was on Chu Mu while the other two million was on Miss Sha.

2:1 bet, even so, Miss Sha stared evilly at the guys that bet on Chu Mu. Those young masters all laughed without shame, while they secretly gave Chu Mu a glare to tell him he must win.

“Alright alright, can’t take your money back now. Let’s go into the air. Once you see me set a fire, you can start. Let me say the rules quickly: Whoever gets to the center street first wins. You can’t use any attacking method, neither can you switch soul pets. You can’t use any soul technique or let your soul pet take any supplementary medicine. Adding on another rule, you can’t hurt any person or soul pet.” That young man said.

Both Chu Mu and Miss Sha nodded, not adding any more.

Just as Chu Mu thought, these young men all held a high status within the city. In such a Kingdom Capital, they didn’t even need to get the sky guards’ permissions to summon their wing type soul pets and fly into the air.

Very quickly, those that put bets down either rode their own wing type soul pets or huddled with those who had wing type soul pets and went into the air. They looked down from above at this straight, yet bustling road.

Chu Mu and Miss Sha all rode their soul pets to the same line. Miss Sha’s eyes weren’t on the wing type soul pet of the man in the sky, but was instead looking up and down of Chu Mu as she asked with interest, “What’s your name?”

“Chu Chen.” Chu Mu replied concisely.

“Oh.” Miss Sha nodded.

Hundred meters in the sky, a ball of fire suddenly burned. The red glow fell down and lit up the road.

Miss Sha’s eyes didn’t even watch the skies, but she already knew the flame was lit. Her lithe body tilted forward slightly and immediately, the Light Rhinoceros under her shined with a golden glow, as its silver body became a stream of light, instantly dashing nearly a hundred meters away!

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