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"You're dating Ushijima?!" Sara gasps at practice. More than a few girls look our way. We got here a few moments ago and I decided to explain everything to Sara — I tell her it's all just for show, but it doesn't stop her shock.

"I told you it's fake." I shush her before she can cause any more unnecessary attention.

Sara starts saying something, but Karasuno's girls team walks in.

"Hi!" The one leading them shouts to us. Sara and I glance at eachother and walk over to greet them. "My name is Michimiya! When we heard we got to practice with a powerhouse school we just had to come!"

"Yeah, it's great to meet you guys! We watch your games all the time!" A blonde girl with a ponytail says. "I'm Aihara."

"Nice to meet you guys, I'm Sara Sato, the captain of the team. And this is our manager, L/N Y/N." Sara tries pushing me forward but Michimiya pulls Sara into a hug

"No way!" Michimiya squeaks. "Sara Sato!"

"We love you so much! You're our inspiration!" Another girl says from behind the two.

Here we go again, the shadow behind the star.

Sara beams at the girl's words. "That's so sweet!"

"We can't wait to play you! We can learn so much from you!" Michimiya says excitededly.

"I bet we can learn equally as much from you." Sara says with her flattering voice. We all know she's just saying that. Karasuno can't teach us anything we don't already know. There's a reason the boys team is called the clipped crows.

The team ends up beating Karasuno quite easily, but they don't seem sad at all. If anything they look even more excited. Getting beat by Sara really has their hearts pumping. If they get one point, they act as if they won. Their enthusiasm is really something.


Before dinner, Sara and I decide to head back to the girls room to relax a bit. She starts to complain about her feet, but we get stopped by a voice.


We pause and turn our heads to the boys practice. Sara is the first one to move, she skips over to the voice and I follow her. Inside, Bokuto and Akaashi stand by the nets.

"Maybe later, Bokuto." Akaashi says.

"One more! Please!" Bokuto begs him and I smile at the scene. They're both a sweaty mess but Bokuto looks energetic as always.

Akaashi notices us instantly and shakes Bokuto off. "Hey,"

Bokuto follows his gaze and finds me. He straightens himself up instantly. "Y/N!" He runs to me, picks me up, and spins me around.

"Put her down, Bokuto." Akaashi mutters.

"Hey! Do you guys want to practice with me?" Bokuto asks. Sara immediately nods her head. Any opportunity to play with a great player like that — she'll take it. "Akaashi was just leaving."

"No, I'm staying." Akaashi answers, his eyes on Sara. It doesn't take an expert to know he obviously has a thing for her. Unfortunately, he's going to have to get in line. "I'll give a few sets."

Bokuto slings an arm around me. "You can watch me and all my glory. How does it feel to be in the same room as a volleyball master?"

"Oh, I didn't know Ushijima was here." I joke and he pauses for a moment and then his lips turn into a wide smile. He laughs evilly.

"I could beat your boyfriend with my hands tied behind my back." He moves his face inches from my own. Akaashi notices and pulls him away muttering something about personal space. It takes me a second to realize he called Ushijima my boyfriend. I start correcting him, until I realize I can't.

Just a few weeks, I tell myself. I can do this.

Bokuto points to a seat. "Sit and watch a real superstar work."

"Who's the superstar?" I hear someone say from the door. A boy who's hair looks like a rooster walks in.

He's followed by a short carrot top guy, and another black haired guy who looks depressed. Bokuto introduced us all. Rooster head is actually Kuroo, the captain of Nekoma. Carrot top guy and his depressed friend are Hinata and Kageyama. They're apart of the clipped crows. I mumbled the reference under my breath and Kuroo gave me a smile.

"You haven't seen them actually play, have you?" He had asked and I shook my head.

They're now on either sides. Kageyama, Hinata, and Kuroo on one. Sara, Bokuto, and Akaashi on another. This should be interesting.

I watch as they play. Of course, I can't help but watch Kageyama. His sets are similar to a setter I know.


We went to the same middle school, him and I. We didn't talk much due to him being the most annoying person on the planet. But I do remember him mumbling after school one day about how he hated this one kid... Tobio Kageyama. My eyes go wide when I put two and two together.

Suddenly I like Kageyama even more now that I know Oikawa doesn't.

Bokuto wasn't lying when he said he was a 'volleyball master'. He really is. The amount of control he has over the ball is almost scary. His straight spikes are scary enough, but add in his cross spikes... he's terrifying. A lot like Ushijima and Sara's spikes and Oikawa's jump serves. I notice the four have a lot in common when it comes to volleyball. They all have incredible abilities.

"Hinata," Kageyama calls when he sets the ball up in the air. Hinata nods from the back of the court. I scoff. There's no way he's going to be able to make it there in time. Only...

Hinata dashes like lightning to the front of the court and I have to cover my mouth. He hits the ball so fast I barely have time to see it and it shoots to the ground. I look at Hinata who has his eyes shut. I gasp. There's no way.

Kuroo catches my reaction and says, "I told you. These first years are something else, huh?"

I can't even comprehend what just happened. This little guy jumped really high, without seeing, and hit the ball straight to the floor. Sara is as shocked as me, her jaw is on the floor. Bokuto, Kuroo, and Akaashi all smile at the little ball of star.

But where there's a star... there's always a shadow close behind.

No one looks to Kageyama. He set the ball exactly where he thought Hinata was going to hit it. Kageyama's the mastermind behind it all but he doesn't get much recognition.

The shadow behind the star.

How familiar.

"So," Bokuto exhales after the game. "How did I do?"

"You did amazing." I honestly say. I can't lie to him, I'm impressed.

He lets out a long quiet laugh and then gets louder and louder. "I am the best ace ever!!"

I smile and nod my head. Although an argument could be made for Ushijima or Sara. I glance to where Sara is talking to Akaashi, Kuroo, and the two Karasuno boys.

"You know," Bokuto starts, bringing my gaze back to him. "It's too bad you're dating Ushijima."

"Oh yeah? Why is that?" I get prepared to hear something horrible about Ushijima but what I hear next surprises me more.

"Because cool people belong with cooler people." He raises his eyebrows and I furrow my eyebrows, confused. "You're cool, and I'm cooler." He finishes and I understand what he's saying.

My heart speeds up and I do what I always do, I say a joke. "You're cool. I'm the cooler one."

He puts his arm around me and he's all sweaty, but I can't seem to bring myself to push him away. "I'm a third year, I know things. Specifically, that I am the coolest person around."

I pat his owl head. "Whatever helps you win those games of yours."

His eyes shine at my touch and he smiles. "I knew I liked you."

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