n i n e t e e n

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I get woken up by someone nudging me. I groan and roll over to my other side but the person won't stop.

"Wake up," I hear Sara whisper.

"Stop it!" I groan and push her away.

"Get up, Y/N-chan," I hear Oikawa sing. My eyes pop open and I see Oikawa, Iwa, and Sara leaning over my futon. I pull my blanket over my embarrassing pajama shirt that I bought for fifty cents the other month. It has pumpkins all over the front and says : Let's give 'em pumpkin to talk about.

Cringey, to say the least.

Part of me wishes I wore something cuter to bed, something more seductive to start my little plan on Oikawa... but that's just not me. I like to be comfortable not cute.

Yesterday, Oikawa and Iwa's coach came and grabbed them, so I haven't seen them since. I've had no time to start the plan on Oikawa. And I can't exactly start it right now, when I'm in these pajamas with bed head to top it all off.

"What are you doing here?" I whisper. "You're going to get us all in trouble!"

"Scaredy cat," He teases with a nose scrunch. I roll my eyes and look at Sara. I give her a 'what is going on?' look.

"Get up and get dressed." Iwa rushes me with his arms folded, his voice is low.

Sara narrows her eyes on Iwa for a moment before turning to face me. "We're going out."

"Out where?" I glance to the window, it's still dark out. "And what time is it?"

"Two in the morning." Sara tells me and hands me a hoodie. One of hers. "Meet us outside in five minutes."

They quickly rush out before I can ask anything else. I roll my eyes, but I trust Sara, so I do what she says. I change into leggings and throw on her hoodie. I don't bother changing my embarrassing shirt since it's going to be hidden anyway. I tie my hair back in a ponytail and sneak out of the door, careful not to wake the other sleeping girls.

The hall is quiet, cold, and dark — just like my house usually is. I cuddle the jacket closer to me, hoping to fight off the chills. I also try to resist the urge to run because it's just plain creepy in here. In the end, I decide to just dart out before anything can grab me.

When I make it outside the cool air hits me and I look around for Sara.

"Sara?" I call in a loud whisper. "Sa-"

I stop talking when I see a shadowy figure standing to my left. I squeak and jump back, but the person comes closer.

"Sara!" I put a hand over my heart. "You almost gave me a heart attack!"

She giggles. "Sorry,"

Oikawa and Iwaiziumi follow closely behind her.

"Ready?" Oikawa raises a playful eyebrow.

"For what? What is going on?"

Sara's the one to answer me. She loops her arm around mine and drags me farther from the building and deeper into woods. "We're going to party before camp ends."

"Party? Party where?" I question. She unloops her arm from mine and throws them up.

"That's a secret!" She smiles and twirls around.

Closely — very closely — behind us Iwa scoffs. "Lower down or they'll be no party."

She sends him a glare and I try not to laugh at how soft she still looks even when glaring. I also try to push down the fact that Sara knew about the party and didn't tell me anything about it till what was literally the last minute. We've always told each other things immediately. Maybe that's changing.

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