37. Another World, Another Y/n

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Equestria Girls starts now


My mother, brother, sister and i haven't been on the best of terms for a long time now, my mother changed for the worse and my siblings seem to become like her with each passing day, i don't know what to do about it but mark my words i will fix this...i have to.

I make it to my apartment, it's almost empty but it's also pretty good, a kitchen, bathroom, bedroom with a bed, all the essentials.

Y/n: I'm gonna need toilet paper, time to go shopping(my money's not gonna last forever) i need a job.

I went shopping and bought everything i needed, i also saw a job opening, at a music store.

Y/n: The music store job opening's looking good, i'll check it out later.

I stocked my fridge and shelves, i've finalized everything on my end for me to attend Canterlot High in two days.

All that took most of the day so i decide to sleep the rest of the day.


I wake up.

I make my morning coffee and play
Steampunk 77.

2 hours later

Y/n: Well time to get that job at the music store.

I walk there and enter the store.

???: Hello there how can i he-*blush*

Y/n: I'm here for the job opening.

???: Well my name is Vinyl Scratch.

Y/n: My name is Y/n Cinch, it's nice to meet you

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

Y/n: My name is Y/n Cinch, it's nice to meet you.

Vinyl Scratch: Nice to meet you too.

Everything went great and i am now an employee at the store and i started straight away.

Vinyl Scratch: So are you new here? Because i've never seen you at Canterlot High.

Y/n: I'll be attending tomorrow.

Vinyl Scratch: Cool. Hey what music genre or genres do you like?

Y/n: Anything that i like but i'd have to rock, heavy metal, death metal.

Vinyl Scratch: Cool, i'm into dubstep.

Y/n: Nice.

Vinyl Scratch: So what did you do before you came here if you don't mind me asking.

Y/n: I went to Crystal Prep.

Vinyl Scratch: Seriously!?

Y/n: Yeah, but it wasn't for me. But on a brighter note, i can play the guitar.

Vinyl Scratch: Wow cool, i'm a pretty good DJ if i do say so myself.

Y/n: I'd like to see that.

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