10: His Masterplan pt. 2

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Continued from chapter 9: His Masterplan pt. 1

(Jimin confesses the truth to Nayeon, and Mina knows about Jimin's true feelings towards her)

Mina ran, with no intention of stopping until her legs gave out. Feelings of betrayal and disappointment ripped across her heart.

Jimin had been her longtime crush, and that morning, when he finally called her, Mina could have died of out happiness. Her heart beat a thousand times faster than usual for the whole day with Jimin, and she genuinely believed that Jimin had fallen for her. When she discovered that he didn't love her back, and that he was just using her to pave his way to Jeongyeon, Mina felt anguished and betrayed. I'm just a pawn in this game of love.


Mina had no idea where she was running to, and let her legs guide her. She found herself on the school rooftop, where she normally stayed to clear her mind and enjoy the breeze. 

The rooftop was prohibited to all students and teaching staff, and no one came to check the roof, so she could feel free. Suddenly, someone pinned her to the wall. It was Jeongyeon, looking at her with bloodshot eyes red from crying and an empty expression.

"Don't go near Jimin," Jeongyeon growled with a heartbroken voice, "He's mine and I'll kill you if you get near my boyfriend again." 

Those words slid from her mouth without hesitation. In her exhausted and insanely mindless state, Jeongyeon said whatever came to her naturally, to threaten Mina. If she was in her normal state of mind, Jeongyeon would have never said that Jimin was her 'boyfriend'.

Trembling in a mixture of shock, fear and misery, Mina muttered a hurried "yes" and escaped from the rooftop, once a safe hideout, and now inhabited by a madwoman. She distinctly heard Jeongyeon whisper, "this is your last warning."


After the encounter with Mina, Jeongyeon collapsed. 

She didn't care if her parents would worry because she didn't go home. She didn't care about how worried Nayeon would be when she found Jeongyeon in this state. She only cared that Jimin, whom she was already slowly for, had left her for another girl. The pain she was experiencing was agony, and was much painfuller than when Taehyung left her.

Park Jimin, I hate you.

At the same time, Mina was crying her heart out in the patio of the school campus. 

She, along with her friends, had always fantasized about having Jimin as her own. Those little dreams she used to have crumbled away, leaving only the harsh remains that she could not forget, no matter how hard she tried. Mina wished she could never had met Jimin three years ago, but the damage was done. Jimin never wanted her, and he had left s scar on her heart that is impossible to be healed.

Two girls, stationed at different parts of the school, were crying their hearts out and hoping that their world would end, all because of one boy.


During all this, Nayeon and Jimin were still in their classroom thinking about their next moves.

Nayeon glanced out of the window onto the patio, where Mina was wasting her life away on tears. Somehow, Nayeon knew that Mina was crying about Jimin.

"Go to Jeongyeon. She'll be on the rooftop. Say that you're sorry and tell her that you truly love her," Nayeon gently prodded Jimin's shoulder, "I'll take care of Mina."

Forever Yours  (JeongMin ff)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant