11: His Masterplan pt. 3

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Continued from chapter 10: His Masterplan pt. 2

("You go to Jeongyeon, and I'll take care of Mina")

Jeongyeon was lying on her back on the rooftop, watching the blue sky fade into the orange canvas. Her eyes were sore from crying, and she had no idea how long she had been consumed in her misery. For some reason, Jeongyeon felt calm and clear-minded when was facing all her hardships on the rooftop alone.

Jeongyeon heard footsteps behind her, and could easily identify them as Jimin's. Those few months they had spent each other had trained Jeongyeon to even distinguish between Nayeon's and Jimin's footsteps. 

She heard Jimin say shakily, "J-Jeongyeon-ah, please, let me explain." Jeongyeon gulped down her her forming tears and replied him bluntly, still staring at the sky and not making eye contact, "Jimin, I hate you."

Those words stabbed Jimin straight at his heart. 

When he first stepped onto the rooftop, the first thing he saw was his love lying helplessly on the cold floor. And this is all my fault. He wanted to clear up any misunderstandings between them, but before he could say what he wanted to, Jeongyeon had already made up her mind. She hates me. 

But no: Jimin had learnt his lesson, and he was not going to let anything get between their love ever again.


Jeongyeon felt Jimin's fingers sliding under her back, but frankly, she didn't struggle against it. She regretted her rushed words, and she knew that somewhere inside her, Jeongyeon still loved him a lot, and she wanted him back.

She felt Jimin's fingers pushing her back, and helped her into an upright position, with their legs swinging freely over the edge of the building.

Jeongyeon was shivering, probably because of the cold, and Jimin resisted the urge to warp his arms around her. He turned to look at her face, and she looked much worse than he thought she looked. 

Her eyes were swollen and bruised, as if she had been hitting herself to express her emotions, and they were completely distant. Her hair, usually neat and tied up, was untied and hanging in a knotted curtain. From her wild but forlorn expression, it was clear to Jimin, that Jeongyeon was drunk on her own tears.


For a moment, they kept silent, each enjoying the bliss moment on their own. Jeongyeon was not crying: She had already cried until there were no more tears left to cry.

Jimin then broke the dreamy silence, "Jeongyeon-ah, I'm sorry, and I understand if  you won't forgive me." "You bastard," Jeongyeon managed to say, before her voice broke, "You have no idea how much how much you've hurt me." Jeongyeon's eyes were filled with tears of betrayal and hurt, which made Jimin feel even guiltier about his actions.

"You used me, just like how Tae-Taehyung did. I should have never trusted you at the beginning."  The last sentence hurt Jimin the most. Jeongyeon actually regretted the times they had spent with each other, while to Jimin, whose times were diamonds.

Trying to stop his forming tears, Jimin continued, "Jeongyeon, before you decide to cut all our connections and and shun me from your life forever, because of my brainless actions, there's one last thing I would like to tell you." He looked into her eyes and hoped that will change her opinion about him,

"Jeongyeon, I love you."

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