Hand Out

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"It's certainly been a while young crow."

It fuckin has been. About a good month or longer since you've last spoken with this stupid riddle speaking spirit? Ghost? Whatever supernatural thing Argentia was supposed to be. You almost kind of forgot about her entire existence with all the shit that's been going on alone from the last week.

"Great...why am I here now?" You ask, wanting to get straight to the point.

"I simply want to speak to you regarding your progress." Argentia says with that same calm tone. "I've been watching you progress your fighting ability."

"You didn't need to drag me here if you just wanted to tell me that." You deadpan.

"Always wanting to get straight to the point." Argentia comments with a small smile. "I've also seen that you've been in conflict with the red dragon emperor."

"Who?" You ask immediately.

"Ah. That would be the boy Issei Hyoudou. He houses the sacred gear, the boosted gear. Apart of the red dragon of domination." Argentia explains to you.

"You could have just said it was that cockbite than give me a history lesson." You dryly comment..

"You should be wary about everyone around you in preparation if something were to happen." Argentia tries to warn.

"Okay. I may have disagreements with that moron and think he's a naive jackass. But it ain't anything worthwhile to completely get in a fight to the death with the guy." You explain your reasonings. "He's just some stupid horny teenager."

Argentia had an eyebrow peaking up while staring at you. These old-timer spirit ghost people really take things a bit too far. That fight with Issei was just over conflicting ideals and opinions. You didn't wish him dead or anything like that just because you had your own ideals. Is this how everyone thinks of you? Just because your selfish, angry, and tend to have a lot of disagreements, they think you would want to actually kill anyone for it? The same applies to Rias. You hate her ideals but you wouldn't kill her. But you'd probably get your shit kicked in even if you tried.

"That's....surprisingly mature of you..." Argentia tried to say, slightly losing her composure.

"What?" You ask with confusion. "I thought you were like. Bonded with me or whatever. Like you could read my thoughts and all. You actually think I would want to kill anyone?!"

"I uhhhh...." Argentia continues to lose her composure. "Look...what I actually wanted to discuss with you was about the armor of the Silver Crow."

"Nice cop-out." You deadpan.

Y/N 1. Argentia 0. That's a new record of somehow embarrassing a spirit or ghost of a bird. This is what your life has come to. You somehow made the graceful and ethereal like being Argentia into a fumbling idiot. Your power only continues to grow.

"About the armor. Right now it remains as an incomplete transformation." Argentia explains as she fixes her composure. "As it stands now. The only progress you've made was just physically. And at this rate. It's only a matter of time till others take advantage of your incomplete state."

"Then tell me geniuses. How the fuck am I supposed to fix that?" You ask the obvious.

Argentia just gives you a shrug. Are you serious?! Some metaphorical bullshit response would have been better than that! Actually, wait. Not really. That metaphorical BS is not even close to being helpful....

"Fuck...Can you tell me what this armor is supposed to even do? Maybe that can advance things." You ask the spirit.

"Hmm....well the armor is usually tailored to the will and spirit of the user." Argentia explains to you. "While they have mostly been the same over the generations, some traits have been unique to specific users alone."

Highschool DxD: Free (Silver Crow Reader x Highschool DxD)Where stories live. Discover now