Ghost Town(38)

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Dipper POV

Mabel and I had made it on the next bus. It was heading for a town right on the edge of Gravity Falls. The driver refused to tell me why he wasn't going to Gravity Falls, just that it was no longer on his route.

Mabel had shrugged this off, as usual she always took things at face value never questioning what she was told.

I on the other hand found this deeply concerning, he didn't just say he wasn't stopping at Gravity Falls today, but that it was on longer on his route meaning he would never go out as far as Gravity Falls again. What happened, what is everyone doing now that I'm gone. What if Bill flipped out again, I don't have one of his journals but- Something was between us, I know that, what if me leaving before saying goodbye set him off or something. What if my Grunkles went off the rails, if they attacked Bill, or any of his family in the forest. I know that would set him off, who knows what he would do.

Mabel hit my arm, "Bro you ok? Spaced out there." She broke through my thoughts.

"Oh, yeah, I'm fine I was just thinking about Gravity Falls." I hummed looking out the window.

"And Bill?" she asked, poking me in the side.

"Ah, yeah, I'm worried about him having lost his cool, if the driver won't even drive into town who knows what could have happened." I looked around, in the time we've been on the bus we've made three stops, and each time no one got on. We were the only two passengers. "Something must have happened." She followed my gaze but it looked like the dots weren't connecting for her.

She shook her head, "I'm sure it's fine, if it wasn't," She pat her stomach, "I'd feel it in my gut."

I just rolled my eyes.

Leaning my head back I closed my eyes, I had always felt like my heart would stop, at any moment. That feeling clawed at my throat. It wasn't till I felt it now that I realized it had been so long since it happened. I felt like I was breathing through a straw, thinking somehow keeping my heart rate down would somehow keep it from stopping.

"Breathe" the word rang like a bell in my head commanding my lungs to expand. My focus changed from my heart to my lungs, suddenly afraid they might explode with every breath.


Bill POV

"Breathe." I mumbled over and over to myself, I could feel my power surging, every second that went by I felt like I was going to explode. And trust me an OP god power explosion would not be pretty, for all parties involved.

The girl was still weak even after I healed her, so with a lot of convincing the Griffin carried her. We stayed high out of range of passers by below, if humans saw us, Elin would throw a major fit.

We flew about a mile off to the right of each road we followed, from up here it was still easy to keep an eye on the streets below us.

Wendy was silent other than the occasional direction. Over the first hour she had started to sit up straighter, she seemed to be recovering. As we got closer and she felt better she would look around keeping a firm hold on the Griffin's neck feathers.

I had to catch myself once, while she was looking out over the town we were passing, she had this look on her face. She- she looked a lot like Pinetree in a way, the excitement in her eyes and how she'd almost dropped off the Griffin just to get a better look. She had turned to me and the look on her face, she had the same one as Pinetree did when we first met, and how he looked at me backlit by the lights of his room, he'd lean out the window as if being closer to me would let him dive into whatever I was saying.

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