A magical world is waiting for you. Meet Hajari, a thirteen year old boy unexpectedly gets involved in a fight between his long-lost triplet sister, Hajarianna and a gang of trolls. While fighting he learns that he has magical powers as well. Hajarianna introduces Hajari to the realm of Magix where Alfea College for aspiring fairies is located. There Hajari will start a new life, find his triplet brother and meet amazing new friends and with another four teenage fairies...Hajari will form the Squadd Bunch. He will also find friendship and love. However, Hajari's extraordinary powers must be protected by those evil mischief group that is up to no good, the Trix, they are the witches of Cloudtower. But with the help of the brave and bold red fountain Knights, the Squadd will save the day and enjoy their amazing new life at Magix. Started: December 8, 2016 Completed: February 19, 2017
28 parts