"make friends with him"

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I woke up after a completely crazy night with Fred's arms wrapped around my waist comfortingly. Everything had been really hectic the last few days so i didn't even realise what day it was, how did i forget? We had a literal party.
"Fred, babe, it's Sunday and i didn't even know it was our last day on Friday." I said whispering trying to wake him up.
"Morning gorgeous, i forgot aswell. I suppose mum has owled Percy or Ginny. It's Christmas in 3 days, wait.
Merlin, it's Christmas in 3 days!" He said perking up now.
"Are you going back home for Christmas Freddie? i am sure Molly misses you lots."

"Yeah, i miss her terribly. I can't believe I'm saying this but I even miss her homemade, scratchy jumpers."

"Oh that's something I have to see, will you owl me a photo when you're home?"

"Are you not coming back with me babe?"

"Well if it's okay with your mum then i would love too!"

"Ill owl her later but just lay back down for a few hours, we didn't go to sleep until late."

"Don't be bossy handsome, you're lucky i actually want too." I responded with a smile formin on my face. He grabbed me and tickled me making me fall back into the ground. "Freddd! That's not funny!" I was being dramatic, i was perfectly fine but it was the perfect way to get breakfast in bed.
Pansy didn't come back from the party last night so as much as i wanted to lay in bed all day with Fred I had to make sure she was okay. The first place I checked was Blaise's dorm, expecting her to have spent the night with him, to my surprise she was there but not with Blaise.

She was with that piece of shit.

Of course she was. Yet again.

"Pansy! Draco? What the fuck."

Pansys head shot straight up, "Y/N babe, morning. What is it?"

"You're sleeping with Malfoy again, why the hell are you sleeping with Malfoy again. Especially after what he said the other night!"

She was propped up on her elbow and looked behind her to see the smirk on Draco Malfoy's face.
"Oh for Merlins sake, i was drunk out of my head. I wouldn't sleep with this dick again after everything, well sober. Fuck you Malfoy. Don't take advantage of me again." She sounded just as confused and angry as me.

Pansy left and told me she was going back to our dorm.
"You coming Y/N?"

"Just a sec, I want to talk to Malfoy."

"Okay, don't be long. I have something to tell you."

she left to head back to the female dorms.

"Malfoy why the fuck would you sleep with Pansy!"

"For this exact reason."


"More time with you princess."

"Yeah, for all the wrong reasons you dick. Leave me and Pansy alone."

"Sure but good luck leaving me alone."

I stuck up my middle finger, not knowing what else to do and left to see what Pansy remembered about last night.
When I got back Fred wasn't there but he had left a note,

Good news! I got a response back from mum and she said she would absolutely love for you to spend Christmas with us! She just wanted to make sure that your parents would be okay with it first.

We're leaving tomorrow if you could let me know by then.
Love you,
See you later -Fred
fuck, Fred still doesn't know who my father is. I know it would change things if he did, i wonder why he's never asked me before.

I was going to tell Fred that my parents agreed but i wasn't actually going to ask my father because 1) he hates weasleys & 2) he just leaves me at hogwarts on Christmas every other year. I would only ever see him during meetings and birthdays. He does always send me a Christmas present, like i said, he's a softy when it comes to family.

I decided to owl my father to wish him a Merry Christmas anyway.

Merry Christmas, i miss you terribly. I hope things are going to plan and i hope i get to see you soon. Pansy is going to stay at Hogwarts with me over Christmas so im all okay, don't worry.
Write back soon,
- Y/N
I told Fred that i was going to come with him and my parents were okay with it. His face lit up, ive never seen him happier. It made me feel so grateful to have such an amazing person in my life that loves me so much. It broke my heart that my father wouldn't allow me to spend the rest of my life with him. Malfoy was right but i couldn't let him know that.
23rd December-
Draco Malfoy
I was going home for Christmas, I loved nothing more than to see my mother. She was the only person i truely loved. I trusted her. My father on the other hand is the exact opposite, he always wanted me to be the best at everything and nothing was ever enough. He like to do things the hard way, no second chances. Every friend I have ever had to match his standards, including girlfriends.
Slytherin, pureblood, brown or blonde hair (no gingers), smart, strong and could benefit me in some sort of way. This list was hard to keep up with and only a few people matched all of the above, hence why my only real friend is Blaise. The only thing Blaise didn't match on the list is the fact he doesn't 'benefit' me in any way. He is good at fighting i guess, so maybe like backup, not that i needed it.
I had other friends like Crabbe and Goyle but they weren't the same a Blaise, I can have a laugh with him. My only happiness ever came from seeing my mother or moments like that with Blaise and i rarely ever saw my mother so it was secretly a lot of pressure on him. My life is shit, complete utter shit. The only good thing about it is her and she doesn't even want me.
We were about to leave to head to the burrow but i received a letter.

Y/N, my dear child.
I don't want you to spend Christmas at Hogwarts this year. I have arranged for you to stay with another family, The Malfoys, some of my good friends. As you know, they have a son your age. Make friends with him. You will be going for a total of 3 weeks. I can come and visit as your letter nearly bought me to tears.
See you soon,
My heart dropped. What was I going to tell Fred, and Molly? Why would he pick the Malfoys, out of everyone? This is the worst Christmas I could possibly imagine.
A/N (authors note)
I know this chapter was much shorter, sorry! I just really wanted to have the whole arriving at Malfoy Manor thing as another chapter. I'm sure it'll be much longer. Also Merry Christmas Eve everyone! It's Christmas Day tomorrow but i will definitely try my best to have Chapter 4 out by then depending on how long it turns out to be! I have yet to read through this chapter for any mistakes so im very sorry if you do spot some! Thankyou again for reading this far and voting <3

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