"i told you to come alone."

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"Blaise! Pansy!" Draco called out.

"yes?" Pansy shouted back sounding pretty pissed.

"Come here!"

Pansy and Blaise both came in, their faces instantly gave me the impression that they had been arguing. They're always arguing over nothing, it's their thing.

"What's happened now?" I sighed eyeing them both up.

They overlapped eachother with words back and forth so I could barely make out what they were actually saying.
Draco shut them up, "Whatever it is put it aside, the Christmas party is tonight, we're all going."

"We were going to go.." Blaise started.

Pansy finished his sentence, "..that was until Blaise told me my dress was horrible when i brought it months ago because he picked it."

"I wasn't thinking. And I didn't say that it was horrible, I just, you have better."

"Here we go again." Draco moaned rolling his eyes.

I pointed out how petty they were being, "Don't let that stop you from going."

"Let me show you the dress Y/N, I want an opinion off someone with actual taste."
Draco Malfoy-
The girls went upstairs and i followed. What? I want to see if it is as ugly as Blaise's expression told it to be, plus I have amazing fashion sense.

"Coming?" I asked him.

"Mate, I've seen it once and don't plan on seeing it again."

"Just tell the girl her dress is great so we can get out of here." I told him,
It can't be that bad.

Yes it is that bad. It isn't flattering at all, but i just want to get to the stupid party,
"Blaise it's a lovely dress, i can see why you picked it now." I lied.

Y/N was trying to force a smile while trying not to laugh at the same time, props to her that's hard to do, "I agree with Draco, it's, gorgeous but I don't know if it's right for a Christmas party, you know?"

Pansy looked into the mirror at herself, "Really? It's red and everything."

How could she think she looks good in anything as hideous as that.

"You know what, you're right guys. It's perfect Pans, wear it." Blaise agreed, also lying.

"See, you just have to understand it's unique look." She explained, not changing any of our minds about her shocking choice of a dress.

"Y/N what are you wearing? Green would look good you know." I hinted giving her a look.

"i was going to wear this black dress but I've seen this green one and it's a pretty tight choice." She teased returning a sarcastic thinking look.

"You're wearing the green one." I ordered.

"No im not." She was testing me.

"Yes, you are."

"Make me."

I moved my head in the direction of the door motioning for Pansy and Blaise to leave.
He pushed me against the wall, holding my head up by my neck.

He put his lip to my ear, "maybe I didn't make myself clear princess. You are wearing the green one."

He knew it gave me butterflys, it's my weakness.

"No." I pettily responded.

Let me tell you, that was a mistake.
He grabbed my neck, now squeezing it, "put it on."

all mine / draco + fred x readerDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora