"would you rather?"

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"Georgie." I called out continuing the joke.

It took a few moments for him to respond as he was still downstairs with Molly, "can i help you Y/N?"

"Just thought I'd let you know that you George are so very handsome." I giggled.

He burst out into laughter, "wow, thanks for the ego boost."

"Not that he needed it." Fred tutted watching us laugh with an unimpressed look spread across his face.

"Lighten up sunshine, he's your identical twin." I chuckled, George nudging my shoulder.

"If you two want to quit messing around we need to sort Y/N a place to sleep," Fred moaned, "where do you feel comfortable?"

"Well i didn't know I was staying longer than dinner but if you really want me too."

"As if you were going to leave, you miss me after thirty seconds of us being apart." George joked.

"Very, very true handsome. Ill stay with George." I pouted.

George came round behind me and picked me up, cradling me, "right this way then love."

"Put me down! We haven't even eaten yet." I giggled, wriggling in his arms.

"Fine." He sighed putting me down.
Molly called us down at perfect timing and we went to join everyone else.
Draco Malfoy-
It was dark now. My mind wandered, i myself didn't know Y/N could just leave like that, but that also gave me hope because she wouldn't, maybe it was a one night thing. She'd be back soon.
Blaise Zabini-
Draco seemed to chill out abit more now i had convinced him she would come back. I knew she would. Y/N loves Draco, Draco loves her. Eventhough he was a lot calmer you could tell he craved her, he hated every second she wasn't by his side, she has an effect on him no other girl ever has before. He never showed his raw emotions like this, not even to me.
"I forgot to ask you what food you like dear. I do apologise, last time you visited i cooked the boys favourite, and you seemed to enjoy that so I made it again." Molly smiled looking quite worried.

"Oh Molly, it's wonderful, thankyou. I'm not used to having home cooked meals so this is more than I could ever ask for."

"Y/N wants to know if she can stay over." Fred blurted.

"Well actually, the boys decided that for me but if it's okay with you then i would love too."

"Of course! Stay as long as you'd like dear." Molly replied cheerfully.

"Don't I get any say in who stays in my house." Arthur butted in from the opposite end of the table.

"Oh i do apologise, do you mind if i stay tonight Mr Weasley."

"Let me make 2 things clear, 1, call me Arthur! and 2, of course, stay as long as you'd like!" He responded in the same tone as Molly making us all laugh.
After we'd eaten we all ended up on the sofa. Molly and Arthur had both gone to bed,  which left me, Fred and George on one and Ginny and Ron on the other. I lay my head on George's lap as he played with my hair and placed my legs on top of Fred who was already half asleep.

"Anyone awake?" Ginny asked looking over at Ron who was asleep at her feet.

"Yep." George whispered.

"And me." I added.

"Hmm?" Fred murmured shaking out of his closing eyes.

"Yeah, yeah. Here." Ron yawned lightly.

"What time is it?" Fred breathed his head rolling back onto the pillows.

"It's only midnight you idiots." Ginny moaned.

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