"my type all over."

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Draco Malfoy-
Hours past and there was no sign of Y/N, my fear that she wouldn't come back kicked in. Maybe she has left and for good this time. I knew Blaise didn't want me to worry, but in my defence she'd just left with her ex boyfriend that she so clearly is still in love, how am i supposed to be calm about that? What if she didn't come back, what would i tell her father when he comes? That she ran off with a Weasley that he didn't even know she dated, or even spoke too for that matter. No.
We sat on the grass for awhile admiring the view. All my troubles floated away, I was happy. I have everything i could ever want, i have my bestfriends back, although i still couldn't help but think something was missing.

"Hey, hey, Y/N. Are you good?" Fred asked putting his arm around my shoulders pulling me into his side.

I brought myself back to reality and smiled at him lightly, "im all good, it's quite chilly though."

"Her-" He started, removing his jacket.

"Let's head back, looks like it's going to rain!" George interrupted pointing at the large grey cloud right above our heads. It was strange, it was bright and sunny a few moments ago.

Me and Fred both agreed looking up.
We headed to the Burrow, it was the only place we could go. I was worried, I knew the twins were close with Molly and tell her almost everything, probably including what i did, she loves her children more than anything in the world. I would never hurt Fred on purpose, I just wasn't thinking straight but that's no excuse. I didn't expect her to understand, i just hoped.

Both Fred and George paused around the corner from their home, "listen Y/N. We weren't going to bring it up at all but we don't want you to worry. Mum doesn't know, I didn't have the heart to tell her, she loves you. You just have to pretend everything is okay, okay?" Fred explained. A sense of relief flew over me, i didn't deserve him.
"Thankyou." I lightly responded.

We made it right outside of the door when George realised something that seemed to make him pause, "Shit, we told her we were going to Nevilles."

"Oh fuck yeah, the others aren't even back yet." Fred tutted.

"You had to lie to come and see me? I thought you said she didn't know." I asked curiously, wondering as to why it would matter.

"You were at Malfoy Manor, mum wouldn't let us step anywhere near there." Fred replied.

"Just say i came back with you and the others stayed for awhile?" I suggested.

"Sure sure, okay." George agreed nodding his head.

As soon as we opened the door i felt at home.
"Y/N! What a wonderful surprise, again!" Molly sang as we barely stepped foot inside.

"Molly!" I smiled uncontrollably, "I'm so sorry to come here without letting you know first but i didn't know either! I wasn't planning on coming back so soon but I saw the boys coming back from Nevilles."

"Oh Y/N. I know it was only a few days ago you were last here but it was way too long! I wouldn't mind if you told me you were moving in." She giggled taking my hand, "So tell me, tell me. Have you missed me?"

"Oh Molly, more than anything. More than ive missed my idiot boyfriend!" I joked.

Fred rolled his eyes and approached us, "let's head upstairs, we should catch up." He hinted, looking at the stairs mid sentence.

"Oh, of course." I caught on, "if you'll excuse me, I have some things to discuss with Freddie here."

"No worries love, are you joining us for supper?" She kindly offered.

all mine / draco + fred x readerWhere stories live. Discover now