"kiss me"

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Dobby, the Malfoys house elf, was sent to wake me and Draco up for lunch.
"Mr Malfoy, your mother has asked me to wake you and ,um, so sorry, Dobby doesn't know your name Miss."

"Oh no worries, it's Miss Riddle but please, call me Y/N."

"Of course Miss Y/N, Mrs Malfoy has sent Dobby to let you know your food will be ready shortly."

"Thankyou Dobby, now take the rest of today and tomorrow off. It's Christmas." Draco replied, he's nice to his house elf when people arent around.

Dobby left and and Draco decided to shower while i got changed.

"Last night was nice Malfoy, thankyou."

"The pleasure is mine princess, care to join?"

"Too far Draco, I'm still in a relationship."

"Let loose darling, you only live once."

To save the suspense, i did it.
It wasn't really cheating but at the same time it was.
I was a horrible person.

I moved into the bathroom to change out of my clothes, away from Draco, but he had other plans.

"Oh for fucks sake Y/N don't hide from me."

"Have it your way then Malfoy."
I regret saying that but in the moment it was exactly what i wanted.

I stripped right infront of him, slowly removing my clothing allowing him to watch. Completely not thinking.
He just stared moving his eyes down at the same pace as my hands taking all of me in.

I stood there completely naked, with his eyes glued on my bare body, his mouth falling ever so slightly open and his nose flaring.
"Draco, please don't stare."

"Sorry darling, you're just so perfect."

"Your turn Malfoy."

"Your wish is my command."
He moved his large, pale hands towards his belt and unbuckled it, looking up to see if i was watching. I was.

He them pulled his shirt off in quick and smooth motion. It was clear he had lots of practice.
His deep, toned abs stared at me as i felt his eyes staring at me from across the room. He then pulled his trousers down along with his boxers, insanely fast. Merlin this man could kill me with his-

"Y/N, enjoying the show?"

"Oh Draco, i want you, i need you, oh baby oh baby." I said sarcastically not giving into my cravings.

He looked at me smirking, i could tell he could see right through my act.

"Kiss me."

I did as he said. I kissed him. No regrets i can't lie.

We walked into the bathroom with our lips still fixed together as we entered the shower. Our bodies were bare, rubbing together. Fuck i was enjoying this more than i should have.

He pulled away breathing heavily, "Fuck darling, you really make me feel weak."

"Special skill." Was all I said before continuing the kiss.

He grabbed my throat, making me feel vulnerable and under his control but I loved it.
He moved his other hand down towards my thigh and looked me in the eyes giving me the look. I gave him my permission before he continued to massage my inner thigh intensely, still kissing me passionately. He moving his hand inwards and started teasing me. "Beg for it princess, I need you to beg."
He didn't move his eyes from mine. "Fuck Draco. I want you, please." I moaned as he slid 2 fingers into me without warning.
"Fuck fuck fuck, this feels amazing babe."
Shit did i really just call Draco Malfoy babe? Out of everything.

"Babe? God I really have an effect on you don't i princess."

"mhmm" i muttered in pleasure as he thrusted in and out of me.

"Draco, im about to-"

I finished all over his fingers, my body was overcome with shivers.

"Enjoy that darling?

"Fuckk yes."

He smiled proudly.

"Shit, were meant to be downstairs."

"Calm down darling, it didn't take you long. We'll make it in time." He smirked, winking.
As we went downstairs Narcissa gave us both a good 3 second stare before giggling to herself. It took me awhile to understand what she mean by it but then it hit me. Both me and her son had wet hair. The Malfoy Manor had 3 bathrooms, Dracos, Narcissa and Lucius' and Dobby's. We could only use the one. She seemed to be really chill about it though, she was an amazing woman, perfect in every way. No wonder Draco loved her more than anyone.
"Morning Y/N, i wasn't sure what you liked so i made abit of everything."

She had made a huge spread, nothing i have ever seen before.

"Oh Narcissa, this is wonderful. Thankyou so much."

"It was no trouble sweetheart and you seem to make my Draco very happy so i wanted to make you feel as welcome as possible."
Once me and Draco had finished lunch he decided he wanted to take me to meet some of his friends outside of Hogwarts. He told me they were always at the nearby lake and to no surprise, when we got there i saw 2 boys. One with dirty blonde hair, blue eyes and around 6,1. The other with dark fairly longer hair, green eyes and about 5,11.

"Hey! JJ! James!"

"Draco, you're home! And you brought a girl with you?" James shouted back.

"A beautiful one at that." JJ added, nudging James slightly.

"Boys, this is Y/N. My um."

"His girlfriend, I'm his girlfriend."

They both looked completely shocked.

"Didn't think you were one for girlfriends Draco," JJ responded, "shes gorgeous, don't get me wrong but you've never been into the idea of relationships before."

"Shes different, she makes me happy."

I didn't know if he was going along with our lie or if he was telling the truth but i kind of like it.
A/N (authors note)
This chapter was a lot shorter than i wanted it to be but it allows me to write more and quicker than longer ones. I'm not going to give pictures of what JJ and James are 'supposed' to look like, I'll leave that to your imagination. Do you prefer the longer chapters (about every 2 days) or slightly shorter chapters (I get around 1 and 1/2 done a day)? I will continue to write as much as i can. I hope you are all safe and healthy, thankyou again for reading and voting! <3

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