"thankyou, my hero."

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I woke up in Dracos bed with Pansy wrapped around my waist and a pounding headache. "Pans my head is fucked." I whispered shaking her shoulder to wake her up.

"Merlin, how much did we drink?" She groaned holding her stomach, "I think im going to be sick."

She rolled out of bed and headed straight towards the bathroom. I went with her, just to make sure she wasn't dying.

"Woah Pans, do you want me to get Blaise?" I asked holding her hair back looking in the other direction to avoid throwing up myself.

"He cannot see me like this." She breathed trying to look up to me.

"He's the worst out of all of us when it comes to drinking, plus, he's seen you be sick before. Remember the Halloween party?" I smiled bringing back memories from just a few months ago, before i even spoke to Draco.

"Don't remind me, we pretty much drank enough to keep us going for a year." She responded lightly giggling before facing back towards the toilet.

I tied her hair back and went to grab Blaise.
"Blaise, Pansy is feeling sick. Go help sort her out while i get her a drink."

He ran straight towards the stairs without another word. He really cares about her, i know he likes a lot.

"You feeling good Y/N?" Draco asked coming up behind me as i filled up a glass.

"Not the best to be totally honest, did you boys drink as much as us? I barely even remember last night."

"I'm surprised you remember me Y/N." He halfhearted laughed.

"Was I really that drunk?"  I responded turning around to see a large bruise around Dracos eye, "Draco, what the fuck happened to your eye?"
Draco Malfoy-
I didn't want to worry her so i kept the JJ situation to myself.
"It's nothing, i jump scared Blaise and his fight or flight kicked in." I lied trying to make up a story on the spot.

She sighed, "you know what he's like, worst to scare."

"He didn't mean it i guess, still a dick though." I smirked.

"What time did we get back?"

"Well we got there abit later than you, I'm not sure what time exactly. We took you and Pansy up and went to sleep down here. Do you not remember?"

"No not really, last thing i can picture was leaving here with Pans." She said looking as if she was trying really hard to recall.

"I bought you back after too much though." I wasn't lying about that.

"Thankyou, my hero." She jokingly smiled and went to help Blaise with Pansy.
Blaise Zabini-
Pansy must have drank non-stop last night, she was heavily vomiting when i got to her.
"Y/N's bringing you a drink now, just let it all out babe." I tried to comfort.

The door swung open, I helped sit Pansy up, "here, take it easy. It should help clear your throat." Y/N assured.

Pansy took small sips and spat them out, trying to get rid of the taste in her mouth.
She shook her head, scrunched her eyes up and looked up to me, "I'm okay now, i think I've finished."
"Ill get you changed huh," Blaise suggested, "JJ got you both fucked last night, you thought he was your boyfriend and everything."

"JJ? I though JJ was my boyfriend?" I questioned, I wasn't sure if he'd accidentally said JJ instead of Draco.

"Yeah, you went to the party with them. Didn't Draco tell you?" He asked.

all mine / draco + fred x readerWhere stories live. Discover now