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Blaise came down the stairs and looked at me immediately, he paused, just looking at me, and smiled. "oh Y/N, i'm so so glad you're back. Hes been such an arsehole without you."

"Where is he?"

"He's upstairs, please be gentle on him."

I wanted nothing more than to just tell him that i was here and apologise for what i did. He is a dick & i expected an apology back but i did wrong too.

Draco Malfoy-
it was her.
we talked in my room, for quite awhile, i didn't take it well, i shouted. i think i may have even frightened her a little.

just the thought of that dirty Weasley in the same bed as her made my skin crawl. i let all my emotions out.

she went upstairs, tears streaming down her face after telling me that i hadn't changed and she wished she hadn't come back.
my fault, again.

what an idiot. he didn't even bother asking me how i was or why i came back. i came back for him, because i realised how much i missed him, but now im leaving him, again, for good.

he doesn't deserve me, i don't care what our parents think, arranged marriage or not, i will not marry Draco Malfoy.

"y/n. hey hey, wait." blaise whispered from, behind me on the stairs.

i stopped hesitantly and looked back at him.

"what happened?"

i had so many things racing around my mind, at a rapid pace. i did something i never thought i would. i kissed Blaise Zabini. my boyfriends bestfriend.

he didn't stop me. we kissed, passionately.

Draco Malfoy-
i knew i'd fucked up. i was scared she was going to leave. i though about going after her for a second and decided i couldn't let her walk out of that door again.

as i left my room i saw Y/N and Blaise, kissing.

they didn't realise i was there but i was going to make sure they did.

"Y/N what the actual fuck," they both shot their faces towards me, "Blaise you're fucked."
i don't know why i kissed Blaise but i felt great. i knew that Draco would be pissed about it but i didn't care, he didn't have a hold over me. We soon realised Draco was stood watching us, his eyes filled with anger.

he approached Blaise and had a clean shot to his head with Blaise meeting the ground shortly after. I didn't get the chance to make sure he was okay and help him up because Draco grabbed my arm and dragged me towards his room.

"woah, woah, Draco that was way too much." i said shocked as to what i'd just witnessed.

"Y/N, you just kissed my bestfriend, what was going through your head, trying to make me jealous?" he spat pacing around his room.

"no, no, i jus-" i was cut off.

"save it. im going to sort Blaise out and then im going to come back and teach you why you don't want to do that ever again. clear?"

i didn't answer.

"do i make myself fucking clear Y/N."

i nodded.


my heart was racing for Blaise. i trusted that Draco would never hurt him, they were too close for that. I didn't like it when Draco was angry but i bought it on myself. I just kept thinking about Fred and how safe i felt with him, i miss him.

i heard Blaise grunt, followed by Draco's voice, "get the fuck out."

part of me considered leaving before Draco got back, going back to the Weasleys maybe.
i left the room, i didn't regret what i did but i do regret doing this to Draco, i didn't like this part of him.

i ran towards the door, trying to avoid Draco but how stupid could i be, of course he was going to be coming back up those very same stairs. idiot.

"leaving so soon?"

"yeah, i- jus was going to head back to Fred's now that i have seen you, it's clearly not the best time right now."

"you did this to me. get back to my room now Y/N."

"Draco i want to see you when you're not in this mood. i'll come back soon, i promise."

"Y/N i don't want you to go back to him, you are staying here, with me."


"what did you say?"

"i said no Draco, im going to Fred."

he grabbed me, violently dragging me back to his room metres away, "sit."

i sat on his bed at his demand.

he knelt down in front of me and moved in between my thighs looking up at my expression.
he pulled back and stood up moving towards my ear, "do i have to convince you to stay?"

"do your best." i replied, returning the whisper.

he swiftly moved back down and bit me roughly between my legs leaving a trail towards my sensitive spot. he continued breaking away for short, heavy breaths that made a sharp shiver race down my spine.

he came back up to meet my eyes, "convinced?"

"mm." i taunted after clearly enjoying myself.

"i see." he smirked.

i moved slowly towards the back of the bed, him following from my front.

he slid his two centre fingers inside of me going in and out repeatedly. i only managed to get a glimpse of him smirking as my head rolled back in uncontrollable pleasure.

"beg." he said.

"no." i responded being cocky.

"what?" he replied shocked but smug.

"no, i won't 'beg', it should be the other way around." i smirked.

"you know i can get any girl i want into bed and i want you."

"very flattering malfoy. So can i, and coming from the boy that hasn't stopped crying since i left, im not convinced." i won that one, cruelly , but i definitely won.

"fuck you."

here we go again. another playful comment taken to heart.

i scoffed, half laughing and left the room.

& to think i made the effort to come back.

in a mood for nothing? i can't deal with him when he acts like a five year old that has yet to learn absolutely any respect.

Draco Malfoy-
fuck her.

any and every girl would beg for me. she lost out.

"Fred?" i called out.

"back so soon?" he responded.

"Fred i think i love you."


it's been too long, im so sorry. i'd like to thankyou for still reading, i love seeing your reactions to different parts!! you're amazing.

this is incredibly short but a whole lot still going on. a big twist on the way, wait and see.
(hint- new boy, more jealousy, more choices.)


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