"you sure about that?"

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"You go first." Pansy directed to the boys.

"Whatever you say," Draco responded, " bossy bitch." He muttered under his breathe to Blaise.

Me and Pansy both caught eyes with eachother as the boys jogged towards the lake stripping their clothes off as they got closer. I still can't believe they actually agreed to come skinny dipping for us.

"They're so fucking stupid." Pansy giggled.

I saw Draco and Blaise signalling for us to come in after them, "Let's hide their clothes, just imagine them having to run home butt naked." I suggested.

Pansy was totally down so as soon as the boys got distracted, well mostly impatient, and started to splash eachother we grabbed all of their clothing, aswell as their underwear, and hid them in the bushes.
We both couldn't contain our laughter, we knew they'd hate us but I guess it's a story to tell the kids.

"Jeez, are you two fucking coming or not. This was your idea Y/N." Blaise was shivering so hard we could barely make out his words, "it's not that cold, i promise."  He lied seeing our faces.

"Don't be a pussy." Draco tutted at us.

"Say that again, I dare you."

"I said, don't be a pussy."

"I'm your pussy." I smirked jokingly flirting with him.

"Wooooah." Blaise hollered, "the tension in here is incredible but can i get out yet?"

"Fuck no, we're not in yet." Pansy said removing her clothing right in front of me.

I didn't even realise we were shouting to the boys because they were already deep in. Then someone whistled at us, catching us all off guard. No one ever came here, it was practically deserted. Draco immediately brought his attention to our direction.

"Hello?" I questioned looking for who was there.

"Hello love." A flirty voice peered from behind me, i could feel their breathe on my neck, giving me a light shudder.

Draco was already heading towards us after realising who it was almost instantly.

I knew he couldn't quite hear us so I spoke back, "I'm sorry, do i know you?"

"Awh am i that easy to forget, I'm JJ. You met me the other day, D's girl are you?"

"Awh yes and yes. Now do you mind, im naked here."
I was stood in my underwear.

"No, not at all." He muttered into my ear before pulling back to look me up and down, "Oh, here comes the big guy now." He cheered raising his arms, "Draco, my man. Introduce me properly, who's your friend?"

"Girlfriend." I corrected.

Draco threw me my shirt and put on his hoodie that i had bought with me, he didn't even realise his clothes were missing.

"Do us all a favour and fuck off." Draco demanded.

"Oh I'm sorry, raining on your parade am I? Actually I think I might stay, enjoying the show." He sniggered.

Draco wasn't in the mood. He knocked him out, one clean hit was all it took.

"Get Blaise, we're leaving." He ordered grabbing my arm but talking to Pansy.

all mine / draco + fred x readerWhere stories live. Discover now