"leave and never come back."

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Fred didn't let go of my hand until we arrived at our final destination.

Paris. Fucking Paris.

"Fred. You did not bring me to France. You did not. Marry me now. This, this is amazing."

"I told you I had something special planned my love. Nothing, not even France, Paris, whatever,  compares to my love for you and i can be romantic when i try."

"How is this even impossible, this is my dream."

"sorry for not making it sooner. It was a last minute plan, but, i still managed to 'bag' us a picnic at the Eiffel Tower. I know I know, I'm the best boyfriend."

The hairs on the back of my neck stood up, he made all of this happen at the very last minute? He didn't even know i was coming home.

"Fredrick Weasley, this is the best thing I possibly could imagine. You really went all out."

"It is Christmas, I wanted to make it something you wouldn't forget."

We spent an hour or so walking around the stunning streets of Paris until the sun started to set. It was perfect. He is perfect.

It was around 6:45 when we decided to head towards the Eiffel Tower, yes, the Eiffel Tower still can't get my head around that.

He had a beautiful date planned out with candles lit, rose petals scattered, blankets lay, the whole shebang.

"I love you Y/N, we don't say it often but you are the most amazing person in the world. You honestly and truely complete me."

"You are my everything Freddie, i love you so much. So, so much."

We kissed, under the most breathtaking sunset in the worlds most romantic city. Ive never felt more whole, it all felt right.

We spent the evening under the stars before heading out of the muggle world.

"Y/N you know what, it's completely random but i want a milkshake. You down?"

"Totally down, always am."

We ended up strolling through Hogsmeade before going home so we settled on Madam Puddifoots Tea shop, eventhough it definitely was not Fred's first choice.
Draco Malfoy-

"Blaise, hurry the fuck up. I'm hungry."

"Can't rush perfection mate and i wouldn't start if i were you, you're on thin ice."

"I'm terrified." I bluntly said with a straight face, "now are you ready?"

"yes i am Draco, thanks for being so patient. So, what's your plan."

"We're going out, your choice. I am just in need of a distraction."

"Settled then, we're going to Hogsmeade."

"Oh come on, I know i said your choice but we can go anywhere. My parents aren't home."

"Well when exactly is Y/N getting home."

"No clue, but, Dobby is here. He can let her in."

"Oh shit yeah, well still, we can go to Puddifoots, there's always hot girls there."

"Yes, hot girls with boyfriends you fucking idiot."

"No Malfoy, the bigger picture. There is always lonely, sad girls walking past, wishing they had boyfriends to go with, and we mate, are single."

"Okay okay, sure but im actually fine single, no commitment."

"Classic you huh, fuck and girl and leave."

all mine / draco + fred x readerWhere stories live. Discover now