"doesnt that make you mine?"

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Draco handed me a fairly large box with a golden ribbon wrapped around it.
"Merlin Draco, even the packaging is beautiful."
He giggled slightly, looking quite nervous.
It was a tiara with deep green emeralds that matched the necklace Narcissa had kindly given to me. I was confused as to why he had gifted me a tiara but i didn't question it.
"Oh Draco it's stunning, I love it."
"I'm glad you like it, a tiara for my princess." he whispered as he kissed me on the cheek.
"Im so sorry i didn't get you anything, I didn't know we were doing presents. Is there anything you'd like?"
"Y/N, we absolutely love having you here, that alone makes my Christmas." Narcissa said smiling warmly.
I was happy to be with the Malfoys over the holidays, it's not what i expected, but i still plan on visiting The Burrow later tonight. I miss Freddie.
Draco Malfoy-
We spent the next few hours talking, my parents wanted to get to know Y/N better because they think she's my girlfriend. Im happy she decided to stay with us over the holidays, she made it so much better than other years. My parents would usually argue, well on the odd occasion my father even showed up.

Dobby wasn't supposed to be working today, i told him not too, but he had a lovely meal ready for us when we went into the kitchen.
"Dobby leave us." My father ordered. He couldn't even pretend to be nice while Y/N is here, of course he couldn't.
"Yes Sir, Dobby will be upstairs if Master needs anything." Dobby replied as he walked out of the room.
Y/N's smile completely wiped off of her face, i knew my father would ruin things for me. Power doesn't impress her, kindness does.
Christmas is my favourite time of the year, more now that she's here but of course it had to be one of the years my father comes home, it was too good to be true.
"Mother. Father. Can me and Y/N be excused for a moment, we have to get something." I asked.
"Draco love, can it not wait until after dinner?" My mother responded.
"I suppose so." I sighed disappointed, i just wanted to get out of here.

Y/N tapped my hand discreetly while my parents were talking and moved closer towards my ear, "What did you want to get?" She whispered making sure they couldn't hear.
"I have got a present for my mother and father, I want it to be from both of us." I whispered back. She smiled. Merlin her smile is perfect.
I didn't want to take any credit for what Draco had got for his parents but that's what he wanted so i went with it.

"Right everyone, enjoy." Lucius said with a cheery look on his face.
The table of food was beautiful, there was far too much for four of us but it really was something special.

After we'd finished eating Draco put a hand on my thigh and nodded his head in the direction of the doorway. "That was truly amazing, thankyou for such a lovely meal." I beamed.
"We'll be right back." Draco added impatiently before taking my hand and directing me out of the room.

"So are you going to tell me what you got for them?" I asked eager to know.
"I got them, well, it's erm, i got them a weekend away," He mumbled shyly, "i know that means it will just be us. We'll be alone for 3ish days but, we can, we can do that. Can't we     Y/N?"
"I mean im not going to be here tonight, i thought i told you Draco. When do they leave?" I regretted not telling him sooner but i thought his parents would be here, he didn't tell me about the trip either to be fair.
"Fuck Y/N, where the fuck are you going. You can't just leave without telling me." His voice had risen now but he had a hint of concern in his tone.
"Draco what the fuck, i can leave if i want to leave. You don't own me." I pushed back.

"Y/N just tell me where the fuck we're going." He replied.

"We're not going anywhere, I'm going to see my boyfriend." I said, lowering my tone slightly.
His face dropped completely, he was clearly filled with rage. I could tell by the look in his eye.

"So much for a 'boyfriend' not even fighting to have you stay with him on Christmas. Anyways you cheated on him, with me. Doesn't that make you mine?" He shot back.

"Fuck you Malfoy, im not yours, never say that again. And my father is making me stay here, I told him there was nothing he could do." I walked towards the door. My wrist was met with 4, long, strong fingers pulling me back. He pulled my back into his chest roughly then he grabbed my chin and forced my head to back to look at him.

"Oh and tell Fred i said hi, we should be friends now, i can give him tips on how to fuck his bitch so hard she will forget her own name." He spat with a smirk forming on his face.
I was lost for words, how do you respond to that.

I cannot believe i have to come back tomorrow and spend 19 more days with Draco fucking Malfoy, what a dick.

A/N (authors note)
Happy New Year everyone! Sorry i didn't have a chapter out yesterday but it was New Years Eve so im sure no one noticed. I hope you enjoyed this chapter eventhough it's very short, im going to bring Fred back into the story because he hasn't been in it much so far. I will get as many chapters as possible out this week, im aiming to write longer chapters aswell! Thankyou so much for reading and voting, i love you all and hope 2021 treats you better! <3

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