"abit possessive."

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Draco Malfoy-
The bright light from the sun awoke me, i looked at today different from the way i looked at yesterday. I had hope, hope she would come back. My heart believed that, but my head on the other hand, believed the opposite. Why did she leave with so unexpected? She game me so much reason to worry but promised me otherwise.

Blaise stayed with me though, he could see an improvement in my mood but he was too good of a friend to leave me in the state i was still so clearly in.

My mind fought with my love for her, i started to question if the feelings were genuine.
Less so mine, but more hers for me and that just made me hesitate as to if it was right, any of it. Every second i was without her my heart broke a little bit more, it was toxic. It wasn't normal for me to not cope without somebody, especially a girl. Believe me, at the beginning, before i felt anything close to love, I knew it was coming, I knew I could fall easily for her and i tried to stop myself. I've never loved anyone besides my mother before, not even myself.

My whole 'better than everyone else mindset is mostly an act, most of the time im alone, using other people's fear of me to my advantage.

I've never told anyone that, because my reputation means more to me than my own feelings.
Blaise Zabini -
Draco looked a lot brighter this morning, more like himself, don't get me wrong, still a moody dick.

I wasn't planning on leaving anytime soon anyway but i think a big part of me knew Y/N wasn't coming back today and that would take a hard hit on him sooner or later. It would result in him leaving to get her himself and I wasn't going to let it get out of hand.
Y/N -
Fred was still fast asleep when I woke up, I gently nudged as his arm but he wasn't budging for anything. I caught myself staring at him and smiling, not in a weird way, I just realised how lucky I was to have met and be loved by someone like him.

The clock read 11:00am, we'd slept in but all of us needed it after last night. I quietly left the room and went to check if anyone else was awake.

"Y/N is that you?" George yawned from behind his bedroom door.

"Yes Georgie, its me. Did i wake you?" I whispered back.

"Oh good, come in."

I tiptoed in and lay myself next to George. His hair was a mess which made me giggle lightly.

"You laughing at me bitch?" He joked smiling at me.

"Well look in the mirror and see for yourself what i'm laughing at."

He rolled over, yawned while lifting his arms above his head and looked at his reflection. He smirked and shot, "all i see is a sexy ginger guy in front of me."

"Must be confused? Fred isn't awake yet." I taunted.

He tutted and attempted to push me out of his bed.

"Morning idiots." Ginny tiredly pouted.

"Why hello sister." Fred said from behind her making her jump, "Y/N come with me, we didn't get much time alone last night."

"that's all i can take." i responded.

"ha ha, come. now." he sarcastically said his face dead straight.

i followed. i always did.
"how can i help?" i asked.

"i want you Y/N."

"you want me to what?"

"to take your clothes off."
Wow, okay. Very to the point.

"no fred- maybe this isn't the time."

"if you're not comfortable then okay, i'll wait."

His understanding words made me realise why i fell for him in the first place. Him and Draco are just completely opposite from eachother. How could i feel like this still?

I wanted him too. Though Draco was still lingering in my mind, i wanted to see him but i didn't want to leave, i fell safe here.

I let it all go in the moment and started to undress myself in front of Fred, him continuing doing the same.
"i'll never get tired of seeing your beautiful body Y/N, you're everything and more."

He met his lips with mine and kissed me passionately, like he'd waited so long for something he wanted and he finally got it. "are you sure you want this? I'll stop."

no, i did want this.

"i do, i want you fred."

He continued, we moved towards the bed, me laying on the bottom. He kissed my thighs and my lower stomach. Then looking into my eyes and smirking before looking down again.
He pushed himself inside of me. He used one hand to hold my arms above my head and the other to hold my thigh into place.

"i love you." he breathed heavily.

now? of all times?

he continued his movements into me, over and over. Almost ignoring the fact i didn't say it back. Maybe it was just an in the moment 'i love you'. I hoped it was, i love him too but i also love Draco. He was now in my mind, Draco.

"hey, he-. Fred, i need to stop." i slowed my tone. it didn't feel tight in that moment, no matter how much i enjoyed his touch.

"okay. that's fine Y/N," he responded lightly, heading towards the bathroom. "please just give me a moment." He clearly didn't finish, most boys would be upset about that, i know, but Fred understood, he left the room, most likely to fix his big issue.

Fuck, again, fuck.

I didn't think. I threw some clothes on and left. Just like that. Without saying goodbye.

"Y/N dear, are you okay?" Molly asked looking concerned.

"oh, no, i'm okay. thankyou. I think i have to go. I really appreciate you having me here, words can't describe. I promise i'll be back so soon but there's something i have to sort out first." i reassured.

am i okay though?

"you don't have to explain dear, come back anytime. Please write if there's anything you need, even if it's just a chat."

"thankyou molly, please tell the others i said goodbye."

As i shut the door behind me my heart sank, should i have done that? I didn't even say goodbye. I needed to get back to Draco, i didn't say goodbye to him before either. I had done the same thing to both of them.

i'm a horrible person.

I continued to think about my mistakes until the manor door was in my sight. Was i ready to go back in? To see him? I didn't have time, i couldn't go back to the Burrow now, not for atleast a few days.

i opened the door.
Draco Malfoy-
the door opened. no one had left the house. Maybe it was Y/N.
Blaise got up before me, he told me to wait where i was.

Please be her, i need her back. I'll never let her out of my sight again. She's mine, i decided that awhile ago but i didn't tell her, i suppose i should have told her she belonged to me, i had my heart set on it. Maybe i would have looked abit possessive but i guess i am.

A/N (authors note)
I have had so many new people start this story but i want to apologise if you've waited so long for another part, im trying to get back onto track now. I'm so sorry this is incredibly short again, i just wanted to give you something to keep you following the story :)

*i have not re-read this chapter yet so please let me know if you find any mistakes!*

I have found it so interesting hearing your thoughts and how you want it to end. Your support is incredible and i didn't expect the amount of reads or votes i have received. I really appreciate you if you're still here, every chapter you read means so incredibly much to me.

i hope wherever you are in the world, you are safe and happy. If you ever need someone to talk to please reach out to me, or someone you trust.


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