"we're the worst"

562 21 8

A/N (authors note)-
in this chapter there is a few parts that discuss sensitive subjects that may be quite upsetting if you are struggling with your own mental health. So you don't miss anything i will include '🟨' emojis before and after the parts that you may want to skip past if you still want to read the chapter if not i will leave a short chapter summary after the A/N.
Please do contact someone if you are struggling, me included. You are not alone, i promise<3


"Y/N." Draco whispered.

"Draco. I don't want to talk or even see you for that matter." I shouted, surprising myself.

"I don't know why i said it, i like you. I do. I just didn't know you liked me back."

"Of course i do, are you that stupid. I slept with you while i was in a relationship. I lost everything for you."

"Don't put that on me. You chose to do it."

"I did it because I like you, you dick! You shot me down, your loss."

"My loss." He muttered walking away.

"forget our fake relationship, when your parents get back im not playing your game anymore."

He was already gone.
Draco Malfoy-
I heard her.
I stood outside, i didn't know wether to go back into her.
I didn't care what my parents thought anymore, i wanted her, for real. I just wish we had more time.

Getting married at such a young age would drain us, i barely knew her. I mean, I know a lot about her but i don't know her.

I went down to see if Pansy could help.

"She's pissed." I sighed.

"I would be too, she practically admitted her feelings you and you cut her off Draco. She's probably got the impression you used her like you have so many times with other girls," Pansy said sternly defending Y/N, "do you even like her? If not don't waste her time."

Blaise whispered something into her ear that made her face drop completely.

"What? What did you tell her?" I questioned.

"You have to propose!" She silently shouted.

"Please don't tell her, i can't fuck this up."

"You already have idiot."

"I know i have."

"What makes her good enough for your father anyway. He wouldn't let you marry her, would he?" Pansy asked still not aware of who her bestfriends father is.

"That's the thing Pansy, Y/N's father is.." I hesitated.


"Her father is The Dark Lord." I told.

She just looked even more emotionless than before, not what I was expecting.

"I didn't know either, Draco just told me yesterday." Blaise added trying to help.

"I did not see that coming."

"Can one of you please go and talk to her, I don't know where I'm sleeping." I halfheartedly laughed.

"Really? Not the time mate." Blaise responded, trying not to laugh at my comment, "Pans you go up, sort this out."
Pansy came in looking full of life, she was drunk, I knew it. She is a good drunk, hardcore.



"How you doing? Draco seems pretty sorry."

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