"finally mine"

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I didn't have the heart to tell Fred, he was so unbelievably excited. I knew i had to and that broke me.

"Freddie, we need to talk."

"What is it princess, you nearly ready to leave?"

"well, i heard from my father today and he has asked me to stay with The Malfoys this year. I really don't want to go, i don't. but i have to."

"What why?! Don't go if you don't want to, come stay with me. He can't tell you where to stay over the holidays, he doesn't even bother to see you himself."

"My father said he can visit me there and It's less of an ask and more of an order. I have no say. Please tell you mum I am terribly sorry and i hope to see her again soon. I love you Fred, so much. Enjoy your Christmas break, I'll see you right after. Ill be okay."

"Oh Y/N, owl me every day. I love you too, ill come pick you up at any time want me too."

"oh Fred, you are the sweetest person."

"i know i am." he smiled but then a shy look occurred on his face, his beautiful brown eyes not being able to focus on mine.

"Y/N can i ask you one thing, its something we've never spoke about before and i don't know why to be honest. you don't have to answer right now if it's too much.

"Sure, anything."

"W-who is your father?" I could tell by his expression that he regretted his words instantly.

My heart sank, oh how i wanted to tell him but the more i thought about it I knew it wouldn't be good for our relationship. He's the perfect boy, his feelings for me wouldn't change, I knew he wouldn't judge me based off of my father. His heart was too kind.

"It's something we need more time to talk about, can we discuss it when we get back?"

"Of course, take your time."

I don't know how much longer i could keep my fathers identity hidden from my bestfriend.

I needed to talk to Draco, he's the only one that knew.
I approached Dracos dorm and hesitated about knocking but someone beat me to it and the door opened slightly.

"Hello darling. Come to apologise?"

"In your dreams Malfoy. I need to talk about my father. I just need to get something off my chest and you're my only choice. I need to say it once, if not to Fred then it has to be you."

His face stiffened up slightly, locking eyes with mine but i could tell he was slightly uncomfortable.

"Of course, come on in."

I did as he said.

"So as you know im not staying at Hogwarts for Christmas, my father has organised for me to stay with some family friends with a son my age." I didn't tell him i was staying with his family incase he wasn't aware yet.

His face dropped completely.
"Who are they? Who is their son. Does he go to Hogwarts? What house is he in?"
Why was that the first thing he thought of?

"Woah woah, Draco calm down. What's wrong?"
I rarely called him his first name but i knew it would catch him off guard and he would tell me what was going on in his head.

"Nothing Y/N. Just answer my questions."

"Yes, he goes to Hogwarts," he clearly didn't like that, "he's a slyther-."

He cut me off, hearing enough.

"Is it Blaise? Y/N you can't stay with Zabini. Come stay with me. It's much safer with me." What's wrong with Zabini, he's my bestfriend. He knows that right? His piercing blue eyes now pinned to mine like he wanted nothing more than for my answer to be yes.

all mine / draco + fred x readerDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora