your story dreams.

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Now that im back and trying to be more active i want to hear what you guys want to see. I have a very good idea set of how i am planning to write and end the story but that won't be for a little while. I really want to make the story something you will enjoy so let me know things, big or small that you want to read and i will pick out a few to hopefully bring to life in words. You can even just let me know if you like where i am going with the story on my own or if you would like me to include a few ideas from you or other readers, I would love to hear from you. I will of course leave credit if I use your comment ideas!! :)

Who do you think or want Y/N to end up with? Write your heart out!

I appreciate you so much, thankyou for the support! Stay safe<333

all mine / draco + fred x readerWhere stories live. Discover now