"thats what im afraid of."

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Blaise Zabini-
Pansy was still 'asleep' on my lap and Y/N was still sat on Dracos.
JJ was continuing to drink heavily while James was trying to slow him down, knowing that he'd had enough already.

"Y/N, i fucking love this song! Let's go dance." JJ screamed trying to hear himself over all of the noise.

Draco held her even tighter. "She's okay with me, thanks."

"Draco, let me party. JJ wants me to go with him." she disagreed getting up from him.

He let her up, not wanting to look controlling but continuing to closely watched both of them.

"Pans, pans. Can you hear me?" I asked lightly tapping her face.

She stopped my hands and sat up rubbing her eyes, "Mhmm, yeah. Who is it?"

"It's Blaise love, you okay? Feel better?"

"Yeah. Yeah, im good, bit of a headache though."

"All that alcohol, i bet the music isn't helping."

I looked over at Draco who was still staring, "D! I'm going to take Pans home, you be okay with Y/N?"

"Whatever mate, mine or yours?" He replied not moving to face me.

"Yours okay? Your mum will be home by now."

"Mhm, that's fine."
As soon as we got the Manor I took Pansy straight to bed and went to thank Mrs Malfoy for having us over tonight. She just seemed pretty happy to have someone to talk to while Draco was out.
Draco Malfoy-
JJ's done something, he's given her something. Y/N would never willingly dance with him, she hates him. Blaise left me and took Pans with him so i have to look after her own my own, which i am perfectly capable of doing but im sure the fact her father is the Dark Lord would do the dirty work for me. I still can't help myself, he's all over her and she's too high to notice. I walked over to them calmly trying not to be a dick about this, eventhough he deserves what he gets, because i know Y/N would hate me if i hurt him. Well this Y/N anyway.

"Do you mind?" I snarled at him taking Y/N's hand into mine.

He sarcastically put his hands in the air and took a few steps back, "Oh, sorry. This your girl?"

"Yeah, she is and im not sharing. Clear?"

"Yeah yeah, you know mate?" He smugly smirked shrugging his shoulders, "She tells me different."

He kissed her cheek and whispered something in her ear before dancing into the crowd.

I let it go, for now, and allowed Y/N be my main priority, "Hey, you okay my darling?"

"Better than ever." She smiled looking free but in all the wrong ways.

"He's given you something, do you remember what?" I tried to get something out of her in her drunk state.

She lost focus, "Huh? Sorry, my friends are over there," she pointed towards JJ and James, "ill speak to you later yeah, what's your name?"

She doesn't know my name? Whatever he's slipped her is some strong shit. I need to get her out of here.

"Y/N, it's me? You're staying at my house, ring any bells?"

"I do recognise you, school maybe? Sorry, my boyfriend wants me, see you later."

Her fucking boyfriend? I'm her fucking boyfriend, not exactly but, i am in a way. I love her like a girlfriend, she loves me too, i think.

"Hey, why don't you sit down a minute. Ill get you a drink." I directed. Of course I'm not going to get her a drink, ill give her something to bring her back to herself, she's too drunk to notice anyway.

all mine / draco + fred x readerWhere stories live. Discover now